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Zendocrine is the Detoxification Blend! When you use mother nature’s pure & potent essential oils, you are detoxifying on all levels. When you use this oil blend, be prepared to cleanse out all sorts of toxic things from your lives. Your filtering organs will be pushing out things to open up and it’s pipes. You may also want to clean your house/home – declutter. On another level you may want to clean out toxic relationships in your life. Some parasitic people that you may have been allowing into your life needs to be removed now for you to move forward freely. I am partial to cleansing with essential oils and herbs because it works so much faster and does a more thorough job then food and fasting.
dōTERRA has three versions of the Zendocrine.
#1 Zendocrine oil blend . #2 Zendocrine oil blend in softgel . #3 Zendocrine Detoxification Complex.
Let’s have a look at Zendocrine and what it really does!
What does Zendocrine oil blend do?
Zendocrine oil blend is make up of 5 essential oil blends.
Rosemary: Strong antioxidant and supportive to the endocrine system. Endocrine issues include diabetes and stress-related chronic fatigue.
Cilantro: Great for circulation and cleansing debris out of the organs, especially the liver. It has been studied to be a very effective as a chelating agent assisting the body in removing heavy metals from brain and tissues of organs such as the heart.
Juniper Berry: This oil is taken from just the berries. It is a powerful cleansing oil for the kidneys and therefore the bladder and skin. Skin problems happen when the kidneys are unable to function optimally and the skin is forced to be the ‘third kidney.’ When rubbed on the tummy before bed, Juniper Berry essential oil will settle your organs and allows you to sleep through the night.
Tangerine: Is great for fat digestion. Tangerine is especially great for the lungs and liver. Tangerine assists the digestive system.
Geranium: This oil assists the liver, kidneys and urinary tract.
Overall Zendocrine detoxification blend supports the endocrine system. “The endocrine system is a chemical messenger system consisting of hormones, the group of glands of an organism that carry those hormones directly into the circulatory system to be carried towards distant target organs, and the feedback loops of homeostasis that the hormones drive.”1 So it affects skin, hair and is emotional balancing.
Zendocrine Detoxification Complex
This is a whole-foods based nutrient. It helps our endocrine system cleanse out toxins.
- Psyllium Seed Husk Powder- helps the digestive tract and colon
- Barberry Leaf-promotes healthy blood sugar levels
- Turkish Rhubarb Stem-Chinese people used this to cleanse intestines
- Kelp-high in iodine which helps thyroid function
- Milk Thistle Seed-protects liver against toxins
- Osha Root-helps lungs and throat
Why do we need to cleanse our body?
We live in a very toxic world surrounded by chemicals that build up toxins inside our body.
BPA – a chemical used in plastics imitating the sex hormone estrogen we call this Xenoestrongenic! Xenoestrogens tricks the body into sending out unintended signals. These synthetic chemicals causes havoc: “everything from breast and others cancers to reproductive problems, obesity, early puberty and heart disease, and according to government tests, 93 percent of Americans have BPA in their bodies!”2
Dioxin – interrupts chemical communications of sex hormones which affects fertility. It affects the fetus reproductive and immune systems. Dioxins can be found in contaminated meat, fish, milk, eggs and butter.3
Atrazine – this is a herbicide that feminize male frogs to the state that they can produce viable eggs! Atrazine is found in water and things washed in water. Buy organic produce and get a drinking water filter certified to remove atrazine.4
Phthalates – a chemical found in plastics can trigger premature apoptosis (cell death) in the reproductive system. It causes imbalance in hormones, lowers sperm count, damages male reproductive system, obesity, diabetes and thyroid irregularities. Buy safe toys and use glass and ceramic-ware instead of plastics.5
And this list of toxins goes on and on….
Besides these toxins, we have a build up of bad fats and oils, polymer toxins, sludge and mold.
How can we tell that we need cleansing?
There are many symptoms in our body that will signal a need for cleansing. Basically when there are problems with the reproductive system, digestion, elimination, breathing, blood circulation and maintaining body temperature. When the following things have improved and/or resolved then you know you’ve cleanse enough.
Kidney, Bladder, Liver Cleansing: Take 2 of each of Zendocrine softgels & complex twice a day for 10 days or until you see improvements in the functions of these organs.
Uric Acid: Take 2 of Zendocrine softgels internally and rub the diluted Zendocrine oil over your kidneys. If the uric acid crystals have reached the legs causing swelling and pain, add Lemon oil too. Drink Lemon oil and massage lemon oil on the legs. Drink a lot of water. Work on releasing hardened bitter, angry feelings.
Heavy Metals: Take 2 of Zendocrine softgels internally and rub Zendocrine oil on the bottom of the feet especially on the big toes. Cleanse 10 days straight and repeat regularly. Mercury from foods, air pollutions and vaccines preservatives can be lodged in our body and especially our brains causing all sorts of neurological disorders. Lead from old paints can add to the neurological problems too.
Urinary Tract: Take 1-2 of Zendocrine softgels & 1-2 On Guard softgels internally & rub Zendocrine oil on the bladder area. Resolve fears relating to Kidneys/Bladder (refer to chart below)
Healthy Weight: Take 1-2 of Zendocrine softgels & Zendocrine complex twice a day. Say this affirmation:
>>I let go of all thoughts, feelings and beliefs that weigh me down
>>I allow myself to be light and free
Gut: Take 1-2 of each Zendocrine softgels & Zendocrine complex twice a day. Rub Zendocrine oil on the stomach area in the middle of the bottom of feet. Resolve Stomach emotions (refer to chart below).
Endocrine & Hormone Balance: Take 1-2 of each Zendocrine softgels & Zendocrine complex twice a day. Also use the Women’s Health Kit. For more information click here.
Adrenal Fatigue & Exhaustion: Take 1-2 of each Zendocrine softgels & Zendocrine complex twice a day. Rub diluted Zendocrine oil over the Adrenal Glands above the Kidney area morning and night.
Hangover: Drink 1-3 drops of Zenodcrine in warm water. Do it 2-3 days afterwards too.
Zendocrine is The oil of vitality and transition. According to the Emotions & Essential Oils book, the negative emotions Zendocrine oil helps to shift are as follows: Self-sabotage, difficulty with transitions, toxicity, limiting beliefs, apathetic
The positive properties we can incorporate are the following: Ability to adjust, revitalized, purifying, open to new experiences
Believe it or not, emotional energy can weight a lot! Our organs hold a lot of emotions. Below are some examples of emotions in certain organs. When you cleanse physically you will also be cleansing emotionally and spiritually. Please allow this process to take it’s course. It maybe uncomfortable at first but you will be better off in the end. Warn family and friends so they can be understanding and even more forgiving.
Releasing Old Stuff: Smell and rub on tummy (3rd Chakra). If you have an especially hard time add Lemongrass to your blend. Say this affirmation:
>>I let go of old ideas that no longer serve me
>>I fully adopt new powerful supportive ideas and changes into my life
The Emotions detoxing from Organs:
Stomach/Spleen | Lung/Colon | Liver/Gallbladder | Kidneys/Bladder | Glands/Sex Organs |
Feeling sluggish spiritually? What is holding you back? Time for spring cleaning of your soul.
As you use Zendocrine, journal your thoughts and feelings. Realign your self to your divine power source and eliminate all distractions. Be clear on where you are going and whether your daily decisions you are aligned to your life’s purpose or not. You will know when it is not! You will not be energized or courageous when it is and down when it isn’t.
Be self-aware enough to recognize people who bring you life and those who are vampires to your energy. Remember those people who drain you are draining because you let them. We let people drain us when we forget we have the power to choose our boundaries. You can choose to talk about or entertain thoughts. If reading the news bothers you then stop and read only the good bits. Passing on your irritation maybe relieving at times but at times, it may intensify the irritation and anger. It is time we have self control over things that support and align with us and that which does not.
You also can eliminate old habits, old behaviors and limiting beliefs.
Zendocrine invites you to purify your thoughts and spirit. Let your heart be light and your mind be bright. Rewaken yourself to a new fresh start!
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