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Pink pepper is a powerful oil for cleansing the body and mind to encourage physical healing and self-acceptance. It has a good amount of Alpha-phellandrene which is proven to help with cellular health. Emotionally it is ‘The antidote for insecurity-based behaviors is self-love and self-acceptance.’1
I love the touching story of where Pink Pepper is sourced. Please watch the video below. I know this oil will bless many lives. Here are my essential oil suggestions from books and my experience.
Pink Pepper is the oil of Intrinsic Equality. This oil is great for those who have a tendency to measure their value and worth by comparing themselves with the world. Pink Pepper is great for those who think that life is unfair or who are fixated on fairness. God’s definition of fairness may be very different to ours. God’s fairness is often personalized according to our individual needs.
Pink Pepper inspires us to get to know ourselves better. Ask yourself questions to find out who you are, what you really want and need. What makes you truly happy and peaceful? Disconnect/detach your happiness or worth from all worldly measures! There is some invisible measure that you are connected to that is causing you misery and pain. Remember comparison kills joy!
Pink Pepper helps alleviate the self-destructive behavior of comparison, self-rebuking, and self-judgement. Everyone is unique. Even twins are unique. We are all ever changing.
Pink Pepper invites us to connect to God’s love for reassurance of progression and change. From cultural habit we ‘rebuke’ ourselves when we ‘mess up’ or ‘don’t measure up’ hoping to motivate improvement. Pink Pepper reminds us that self-acceptance inspires more effectively and powerfully than self-scolding.
The best gauge of progression is measured with yourself not compared to others. You need to be clear on what you want and where you are going firstly then you can keep gauging your progress against your previous self and NOT with other people and their journey.
A confused heart can easily compare and measure worth against inconstant unattainable measures. The fruit of this is destructive in many ways. Disconnect to these human measures and connect to the only measure that counts. With God’s measures, you will feel liberated and transcend the world.
Cardiovascular support, cellular support, cleansing cells from medications, energy, nervous system support, lymphatic cleansing, proper cell functions, gut & digestion, appetite balancing, respiratory & lungs, menstrual balancing, immunity boosting, blood sugar support, aphrodisiac, circulation, inflammation & join support
Cleansing Cells Of Meds: 1-2 drops of each of Pink Pepper, Black Pepper, & Copaiba. Take in a capsule 2-3 times a day.2
Energy, Lymphatic & Candida Cleansing:1-2 drops of each of Pink Pepper, Black Pepper, Copaiba. Take in a capsule 2-3 times a day. This will also promote proper perspiration.
Cellular Support: Combine 2 drops Frankincense and 2 drops Pink Pepper in a veggie capsule and take 2-3 times a day for 2-4 months. Read more here.
Gut & Digestion: Combine a few drops of Pink Pepper with a few drops of Digestzen, Cardamom, and Citrus oils and take internally 2-3 times a day for gut and digestion support.
Appetite Balancing: Balance your appetite with Pink Pepper and Citrus oils. Take a few drops of each oil internally or apply on the bottom of the feet.
Respiratory & Lungs: Apply Pink Pepper and Breathe on chest and the bottom of the feet. Diffuse and inhale to support normal lung function.
Menstrual Balancing & Cramps: Dilute with Fractionated Coconut oil and massage a combination of some or all of these oils over the abs during the monthly cycles: Pink Pepper, Bergamot, Frankincense, Marjoram, Geranium, Roman Chamomile
Immunity Boosting: Take 2-3 drops internally or apply topically on feet regularly to boost immunity. Add On Guard oil for extra support.
Blood Sugar Support: Combine a few drops of Pink Pepper with a few drops of each of Cassia, Cinnamon, Grapefruit, Clove and take internally 2-3 times a day to support and blood sugar balance.
Aphrodisiac: Dilute and combine with Ylang Ylang and Jasmine and apply it to wrists and ankles. Also diffuse this combination to spice up the romance.
Circulation, Inflammation & Joints support: Combine Pink Pepper with Marjoram and Lemongrass, dilute with Fractionated Coconut oil and apply on joints, legs, and other areas of concern for relief.
Flavoring: Add to food for flavoring.
Negative Energy to Release:
Comparing, self-rebuking, unclear personal life’s purpose, judgmental, self-reduction, unequal, distorted view of self, measuring worth with worldly measures
Possible False Beliefs & Thoughts to Address:
- Feeling not enough according to social expectations and norms.
- Feel a need to hold back praise and acceptance.
- Feeling different is bad. A desperate need to fit in.
Positive Emotional Energy to Adopt:
Equal, kindhearted, self-accepting, compassionate, forgiving, appreciated, valued, fairly treated
Ads.New Enlightened Thoughts:
- Everyone is equal and unique.
- One doesn’t need to fit in to be accepted or belong.
- Fitting in means you have to change who you are, and it isn’t necessary
- Focus on and magnify who you are, the world will adjust.
- How can I serve and bless the world with my unique gifts and talents?
Affirmations (Enlightened Beliefs):
- I am loving and accepting of myself and my divine purpose.
- I am kind and compassionate towards myself.
- I march to my own drum beat with God as my guide.
Self-Acceptance: One drop of each of Pink Pepper, Cassia, Black Pepper, Geranium, Bergamot, Kumquat and apply to the bottom of the feet.
>>I love and accept myself as I am
>>I am kind and compassionate towards myself
Interview yourself and get to know yourself better. Ask yourself questions to find out who you are, what you want, and disconnect/detach yourself from all worldly measures! There is some invisible measure that you are connected to that is causing you more misery and pain. Remember comparison kills joy!
Everyone is unique. Even twins are unique. I have a set of twins girls. As they got older, we had to help them identify and write down things that make them similar and different so that they can honor themselves. We asked simple questions such as, what is your favorite color and what books do you like reading even though we already know. We used three pieces of paper. One was for what they had in common and one was for each of them that made them different. When we identified it, we helped them celebrate their identity. These are the things that make them them!
Likewise you can do this activity with yourself and discover your own identity. What makes you you? Can you tell others who don’t know you about you?
Be confident that you will continue to grow and change. The best gauge of progression is with yourself. You need to be clear on what you want and where you are going firstly then you can keep gauging your progress against yourself and NOT with other people.
Because people are confused they easily compare themselves to others and be either one-up or one-down compared to others to the detriment of their happiness. We all have our own special roles to play on earth. Disconnect to other human measures and connect to the only measure that counts. When ever I do that, I feel liberated and transcend the world.
>>I march to my own drum beat with God as my guide.
With the liberation from worldly measures, you will feel more energy, happiness and power to move forward in your direction.
Think about Mother Teresa for example. If she sat around and measured her looks, smarts and actions against others, would she have been as successful and fulfilled as she was? No. We love and admire her because she learned to love and respect herself and her calling. So we should do the same. Be responsible for detecting your life’s calling or purpose and do it with passion and freedom.
Comment below how this oil and the exercises in this post has helped you feel more energized and liberated.
- Emotions & Essential Oil book
- Adapted from The Essential Life book
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