In the past, many civilizations understood, respected and trusted in the self-healing powers of the body.
“Natural forces within us are the true healers” Hippocrates
People understood the connection between the physical body and the emotional body. This is what we mean when we speak about holistic health. We take care of our whole body, mind and spirit any time we want to address any illness or disease.
“…we know that the mind and body are like parallel universes. Anything that happens in the mental universe, must leave tracks in the physical one.” Deepak Chopra, MD.
A paradigm shift is needed
There are two wellness philosophies or paradigms:
1. Symptom Management
2. Holistic Approach paradigms
The Holistic Approach encourages personal responsibility for one’s health. Holistic health is about being mindful of what and how we eat, drink, move, sleep, think and feel. This has been the ancient approach of almost all the worlds civilizations up until recently. Approaches everyone as unique individuals.
This passive approach requires very little personal power or responsibility. Many people don’t even know that they have ascribed to this paradigm because it is very common.
People even make the health problems part of their identify and settle into the mediocrity of poor health. These people think healthy people are healthy because they are lucky, or they have more time, they have the right support, they have money. They believe all these things are outside of your control.
If you believe this then you’ve subconsciously adopted the world’s philosophy of health. You are giving away your power and you probably feel helpless, hopeless, and unempowered.
When we are self-aware that we may have subconsciously adopted the world’s healthy philosophy, then we will be able to change our health.
This reminds me of a book called A Bad Case Of Stripes by David Shannon. This is a comical story of a little girl who adopted everyone else’ opinions and ideas which got her into a mess. When she decides that the power is within her to be happy within herself, she is healed. It’s one of my favorite children’s books.
Likewise, when we take the holistic health paradigm, we find that we are more happy and healthier.
The Symptom Management focuses on reducing the discomforts of symptoms. Its main purpose is to be symptom-free or not be bothered by those symptoms.
Headache??? Take a pill. That should stop your head from feeling. Good, that solved it. Really? The pain is still there but your brain communication receptors are interrupted and can’t get those signals anymore. Is the real problem gone? Nope! But we don’t have to think about it now.
It is a dangerous way to approach health don’t you think? It is like putting a sticker over the ‘check engine’ light in your car and hoping it will repair itself.
Why is Symptom Management a Problem?
This passive approach requires very little personal power or responsibility. Many people don’t even know that they have ascribed to this paradigm because it is very common.
People even make the health problems part of their identify and settle into the mediocrity of poor health. These people think healthy people are healthy because they are lucky, or they have more time, they have the right support, they have money. They believe all these things are outside of your control.
If you believe this then you’ve subconsciously adopted the world’s philosophy of health. You are giving away your power and you probably feel helpless, hopeless, and unempowered.
When we are self-aware that we may have subconsciously adopted the world’s healthy philosophy, then we will be able to change our health.
False Belief: The body is prone to break downs and spontaneous malfunctions.
If we believe this false belief we will feel powerless over the health of their body as if what happens to our body is pure CHANCE because the body is prone to spontaneous malfunctions!
Do you believe that the body happens to have ‘caught’ a disease out of thin air? We are not victims but powerful creators of our reality. Just because it is winter, doesn’t mean we will catch the flu. Just because your mother had migraines and thyroid issues, it doesn’t mean you will get it too. Or just because your father has heart problems and blood pressure issues, it doesn’t mean you will get too. Now that you are over 50, it doesn’t mean you will have osteoporosis!
Many people expect sickness, discomforts, dramas, and inconvenience of being sick. Sickness can be is a distraction from owning your power fully and fulfilling your life’s purpose.
We can a lot of control and power over our health than society recognizes. God doesn’t suffer us for no reason or worse, for His own pleasure. He isn’t punishing us either. Illnesses have a purpose. There is nothing random and spontaneous about disease. This is an opportunity realign ourselves more fully back to God. Is anyone so perfect, that they don’t have anything degree of change left?
False Belief: We just need to focus on the managing & masking symptoms for immediate comfort.
The short sighted approach is too quickly take care of the immediate symptoms. I’m not talking about acute issues that need to be taken care of immediately. I am talking about common discomforts and chronic diseases that have developed over time.
For example, taking a receptor-blocking drugs to stop the brain from sensing the pain of a hormonal headache does nothing to permanently heal and balance that hormonal headache. Instead of focusing on the symptoms and ignoring the messages from it, we can take a deeper look inwardly to use our power and realign ourselves to God, which will lead to not just permanent healing but lasting happiness also.
It is a dangerous way to approach health. It is like putting a sticker over the ‘check engine’ light in your car and hoping it will repair itself. It most likely will be worse by the time you make time to address it properly.
People take the symptom management approach because we are unaware and don’t want to put forth the effort to change at the root. We can use the symptoms as clues as to where to start healing and changing. If we are not actively changing and progressing we will be ‘compelled’ to change and progress.
Focusing on symptoms with the mere objective of comfort is short sighted. Our focus should be change and betterment of our souls. The comfort and symptom-free state will be a natural consequence of this spiritual clarity.
False Belief: The answers are out there! Someone else can fix it quickly.
People often look to books or so called health experts, who often don’t take the time to understand the whole situation on all levels of your being. Again, this approach is passive, which means people give their power and personal responsibility away to strangers who have given blind trust because of the title of ‘expert’ ‘specialist.’
Many times the quick temporary solutions, can cause more problems and discomforts. Nowadays, it can be invasive and expensive. Often in a short time the problem reappears causing the sick cycle to repeat but the next time the problem is bigger and worse.
How many of you or people you know go to one specialist after the next? Do you think that God’s solutions is inferior than the ‘specialists and experts?’ There is a place for doctors, don’t get me wrong. They are great at helping with acute issues and perhaps with diagnosis.
Even some ‘health nuts’, dietitians, gym coaches, and trainers don’t quite get the complete picture. They may encourage a special diet or exercise routine or even a meditation. Yes, diet is important, and excise is critical but when we do these things in the absence of a spiritual change and reconnection back to Heavenly Father, we still miss the point of our health issues. The most permanent and best changer of health is when we look for the answers from WITHIN.
The answer for ALL our health concerns is inside of us all. I know that is a bold statement but I know it is true. God has told me this truth over and over again. I’ve seen evidence of people healing and changing permanently from looking inwards and realigning themselves to God.
The other problem with the false belief that the answer to the problem is out there is a more core misalignment. The associated belief is that healing is complicated and only smart, special people know how to help. Many people don’t trust God and their heart compass enough to heal themselves. They blindly believe the ‘experts’ and ‘specialists’ have gone to school and they know what they are doing.
Many times, God tells me what is wrong with myself and my friends even before the doctors do. I believe we can all have this direct download from heaven.
They are so trusting that they continue on enduring many treatments that continue to poison their system, make them even more sick, loose their hair, appetite, and ability to think.
In the past, people use to go to the priests to be forgiven, heal and use natural solutions. Nowadays, the self-proclaimed believer, too quickly turns to the white-lab-coat gods.
False Belief: It is ok to add more toxins from synthetic solutions to mask symptoms & current discomfort
When people believe and think the solution is outside of them it is short sightedness, passive, and not trusting in the divine within. Many people ask for a pill for the ill to resolve the current discomfort of symptoms.
Many times people don’t bother to hope for healing. They think the doctors diagnosis, which is just a label for the group of symptoms, is for life. They’ve lowered their standards and settled or that disease for life. They don’t even bother to try to permanently heal. When my friend healed from Crohn’s Disease, she commented, “Oh I thought Crohn’s was for life.” When we resolve at the root, the symptoms disappear and to the medical label is gone too.
Most of the time these pills are made as a dark synthetic version of plant constituents. Isolating chemicals found in nature makes them unstable in our body. Creating those same constituents artificially in a lab, so one can own the patent for it, is even worse. It removes any high positive light vibrations from nature and adds the energy of the intention of making money over helping people heal from divine misalignments.
Has any drug you’ve ever taken helped you heal spiritually? Most drugs keep people living in their sick state longer sometimes longer and sometimes shortens their lives.
This approach is simply adding more toxins into the body. Logically thinking, I can’t see how adding more toxins to the body makes the body healthier.
If we don’t change our paradigm, there is a very high likelihood that we will get the same health problem again and again. We will experience ‘groundhog day’ again and again. Why?
There is a very good reason we experience of suffering and disease. Our symptoms give us a starting point as to how we can change ourselves. I believe that a loving God has put intelligent mechanisms inside us to help guide us through life’s journey.
When we are off track or misaligned, our body gently reminds us to get back on track. This is a learning opportunity! We are not here to get it over with and move onto the next thing on our checklist.
Our body is talking to us all the time. If we continue to ignore our body, it will talk louder until it yells at us, stopping us in our tracks with more physical discomfort and some times serious disease. We experience repeated problems because we haven’t learned the lessons that needed to be learned and change the things that needed to change.
If you think about it, trying to heal quickly and passively only takes more time and is more uncomfortable.
The Holistic Approach Is The BEST Way
There is a lot we can do to help ourselves stay healthy. I love this quote by Dr. Bernard Jensen,
“We don’t catch disease, we create them by breaking down natural defenses according to the way we eat, drink, think and live.” ~Dr. Bernard Jensen
The more we understand how our body functions, the easier it is to understand this connection of foods, drinks, thinking patterns and lifestyle.
I am confident that we will all be given a chance to change sooner or later. If we continue to be stubborn in our ways, our body will try and get our attention sooner or later! Eventually a disease will force us to change.
Look at the word disease. It is dis and ease. Our body is letting us know that it is unbalanced and not at ease.
The answers are simple and it is inside of us. The perfect storm of disease and distress humbles us and reminds us where to turn for truth. The good thing is, sometimes when we reach rock bottom with our dis-ease, we are forced to stop and be still for a moment to listen. We have two choices in this situation. We can either continue to be passive or choose to make changes. This ‘perfect storm’ moment allows ‘ah-ha’ moments to hatch.
J. K. Rowling one of my favorite authors, hatched the idea for her international mega-success Harry Potter story when she hit rock bottom and had nothing more to lose. Anyone else you can think of? Steve Jobs was living with his parents and working from their garage. He sold his car to fund Apple.
New Enlightened Belief: The body is intelligent and knows how to self heal. Imbalance/misalignment is the cause of disease
When my Emily was waking every 2 hours each night for several years, I did not know what to do. The doctors didn’t know what was wrong, they simply said she had allergies. God told me to not just use lavender oil but to help her organs cleanse from toxins. I used natural solutions. Within one week she started to sleep through the night. She was 5 at the time and hadn’t slept like that since she was a nursing baby!
Let’s not get distracted by symptoms but focus on how to realign to God. The comfort that we seek will naturally come as we learn the valuable lessons given to us.
We will be guided to the right solutions, people, and situations to help us change and heal on all levels. Every time I take the holistic approach to heal from anything, even if it is a common cold, I am more sanctified and refined, mind, body, and spirit.
New Enlightened Belief: Use symptoms as clues to identify the imbalances even though it may be uncomfortable at first
The more we see symptoms as clues to identify the easier it is to change and heal permanently. In this book, you will learn about the literal language of the body. Open up your spiritual eyes to see that your Heavenly Father is trying to help you remember who you are, where you are going and what you need to be doing in this Earthly existence.
For example, I use to suffer from a lot of seasonal allergies. I learned that it is about suppressed weeping, feeling unempowered, feeling stifled, feeling powerless, overreacting to small things and feeling weak. I used that opportunity to work out what my beliefs and thoughts are that is causing those feelings.
I resolved some social conditioning and associations. I chose to own my own power of choice. Then I cleansed my body, used essential oils and reinforced my new beliefs daily through affirmations. The allergies reduced to the point where I healed from many of the allergies. I can now eat certain foods I couldn’t before. I can be in nature and be around animals. I don’t need to manage the symptoms with anti-histamines and then change up those drowsy drugs every three months. I don’t suffer from the water retention or weight gain from steroids any more.
I feel liberated. Even though it took effort but from now one and forever more, I don’ have many of the diagnosed allergies any more. I now refuse to overreact, believe that I am powerless and weak! I am changed.
New Enlightened Belief: Seek answers from within for permanent peace, enlightenment & fulfillment
I feel so loved, provided for, protected and attended to because I know that the answers to ANY issues is found within me. God will communicate with me and give me the light and wisdom I need in the right time and season.
I know I will know what to do for any of my concerns including any thing to do with health. I am confident that God will guide you the same way too. I know I will be guided to the right expert or specialist if I needed one, although I haven’t needed one for over 10 years. I’ve received books, videos and other help at exactly the right time I needed them to help with my current concerns.
I don’t ever wonder if there is another person ‘out there’ who knows more about my health than God does. He has taught me so much. Life has been so much more simplified and abundant since I learned this truth.
The goal to any healing is to have more peace, enlightenment and fulfillment. I look for trapped emotions to clear, resolve false beliefs and rewrite my beliefs. I use essential oils to help me reinforce new programing. Now my children are doing the same things and healing themselves.
New Enlightened Belief: Using natures solutions to reduce toxins, cleanse the body and allow cell to communicate better
Healthy cells make healthy tissues, healthy tissues make healthy organs and healthy organs make a healthy body. What makes the cells unhealthy? Toxin, lack of rest and repair, negative thoughts, stuck emotions, malnutrition and dehydration.
The natural fundamental approach to all health problems is always the same.
- Pray and connect to God
- Clean the cells
- Feed the cells
- Rest & manage stress
- Reduce toxic load
- Resolve negative emotions, belief and thoughts
- Reinforce new programing and by using specific essential oils.
New Enlightened Belief: Permanently changed, heart is open & healed, lessons learned.
With spiritual sight we can see that all things helps us change and reconnect back to God. God is highly intelligent and I believe He does not waste any learning experience in this Earthly probation. I always remember God by seeing any problem, whether health related or not, as an opportunity to refine my soul, check how open my heart is to God and personally develop myself somehow.
“7 And this shall ye do in remembrance of my body, which I have shown unto you. And it shall be a testimony unto the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you.” (3 Nephi 18:7)
Please just try to open your mind to the possibility of seeing a spiritual lesson in your current situation.
“18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)
I hope that you can see that it is better to take the proactive holistic approach to health rather than to stay passive and symptom managing.
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