☛✪☚ Where you have purpose, you have a reason for continuing
Regardless of your physical health, you will only be truly well if you have a purpose for living.
You have probably observed people who are otherwise healthy, but feel like their life lacks purpose. The picture that arises in my mind is someone who is downcast and withdrawn.
You Are Responsible
Detecting your purpose in life is up to you. You must take full responsibility for your life.
Finding Your Passion
Detecting your purpose begins with learning about who you are, what you love doing, who you do it for, what do those people need, and what do they get out of what you do for them. I am convinced that you cannot have a true and sustainable purpose without some kind of service component.
We hall have essentially the same purpose in life, to serve humanity. It is up to us to determine how we do that. Once you determine your purpose, set goals, make a plan, and act to carry it out (be proactive).
Essential Oil Recommendations:
- Fennel – the oil of responsibility (rub on tummy)
- Tangerine or Wild Orange for creativity
- Frankincense – the oil of truth
- Clary Sage for clarity and vision

By detecting your purpose, you will enjoy life more and your health will likely improve, too.
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