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I grew up eating Lemongrass dishes such as Vietnamese chicken & lemongrass with rice.
My mum made me smell steamed Lemongrass whenever we got sick. I didn’t know why!
Now that I’ve learned more about Lemongrass, our family is using it for all sorts of things. We diffuse it to help everyone feel more positive. Seriously it repels negative people from your life, either that or it changes them to more positive people.
The Lemongrass plant is a very tough grass. I’ve cut my fingers on its blades before. It grows strongly and holds its own! That is what it can do for us. It insists on solving problems!
Lemongrass essential oil blends well with Basil, Cardamom, or Spearmint. Lemongrass is such a powerful oil. It does so much. It is a fantastic oil for internal use.
Clean out your gut and digestive system with Lemongrass. Here are some amazing oils that you can combine with Lemongrass for digestion: DigestZen, GX Assist, Peppermint, Wild Orange, Rosemary, Bergamot, and Frankincense.*
Lemongrass is great in tea. It boosts immunity and protects cells. It is found in the DDR Prime Cellular Blend. Lemongrass encourages Apoptosis in the cells.
Lemongrass is a slightly hot oil, so remember to dilute it when using it topically.
L= Lemongrass : L= Ligaments
Ligament Support: Combine with Deep Blue Soothing Blend for muscle and ligament support for athletes.
Post-Workout Massage: Combine Fractionated Coconut Oil, and drops of 3 Lemongrass oil, 4 Basil, 5 Clary Sage and massage tight muscles. Repeat every 10 minutes if necessary. (Dr. Sue Lawton)
Extra Strong Relief: Mix Fractionated Coconut Oil, 2 drops Lemongrass, and 2 drops Lavender OR 2 drops Basil, and massage on the target area every 10 minutes. (Dr. Sue Lawton)
Flavoring: Use to flavor entrées and meat dishes while promoting healthy digestion.*
Natural Insect Repellent: Combine with Eucalyptus and dilute oil; then rub or spritz on skin before going outside. (1)
Negativity Head and Neck Tension: Blend 2 drops Lemongrass with 2 drops Lavender and apply to the temples. (Dr. Sue Lawton)
Sore and Tired Feet Soak: Add 3 drops Lemongrass to 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in warm water and soak feet.
Kidney and Bladder Recovery Support: Combine 3 drops Lemongrass, 5 drops Cypress, 4 drops Basil and apply on the lower back and across the lower front of the abdomen. Continue for two days after symptoms are resolved. (Dr. Sue Lawton)
Thyroid Balance: Add 50 drops Lemongrass, 15 drops Frankincense, 5 Clove in a 10 ml roller bottle. Fill up with Fractionated Coconut Oil. Use topically 2-3 times daily for several weeks. Reduce frequency as you see improvements.*
Note: With Thyroid concerns, it is best to take a holistic approach to reduce Xenoestrogens in your diet and home. Basically get rid of the things that may contain chemicals which are endocrine disruptors. Feed the cells nutrients, rest well, and reduce stress.
Lemongrass is the Oil of Positivity and Purifying. According to the Emotions & Essential Oils, the negative emotions Lemongrass oil helps to release are as follows: Toxic or negative energy, despairing, holding onto the past, hoarding, darkness, spiritual blindness
The positive properties we can incorporate are the following: Spiritual clarity, cleansing, non-attachment, simplicity, discerning, releasing what is no longer needed
Negativity only feeds on darkness and continues to go that direction. It opens you up to evil spirits and entities.
Clean Out Negative Energy: Simply diffuse or wear Lemongrass oil to train your mind to stay positive.
Lemongrass’ energy helps remove the following negative emotions: toxic or negative energy, despair, holding onto the past, hoarding, darkness, spiritual blindness, etc..
Lemongrass helps us have more mental clarity, cleanses the mind, helps you simplify life, and helps with discerning and letting go of past baggage.
Remember, if people are not willing to be positive, they will not like this oil. If they like it, it shows that they are ready and willing to stay positive.
The despair and lethargy of negativity eventually leads to physical problems. Some of the problems we see in people are cholesterol concerns, cataract problems, thyroid problems and even headaches. Lemongrass can help people clear out garbage in the mind and then the body will respond by healing from these health concerns.
For the super-negative-people in your life, just let them smell the oils. Don’t have them put it on. Their body my show irritation about being made to be positive by creating a rash of some sort. Let them make their own decisions to use the oils in their own sweet time.
This oil helps open up the brow chakra and helps you see life in a spiritual way. So many people are living life unaware of how much power and potential for happiness they have inside. After using essential oils for a while, many people report that they feel ‘awakened.’
They become aware that their thoughts lead to feeling, and that their feelings lead to action or inaction and that leads to consequences or results.
Beliefs ⇒ Thoughts ⇒ Feelings ⇒ Actions ⇒ Results
Since we are talking about Lemongrass, I want to talk about negativity and hoarding. We hold on to things because we are scared of something. We can be fearful of running out, not being blessed with more, fear we can’t make more, being in painful situations again, etc. All that is focusing on OBSTACLES and PROBLEMS. Guess what happens when we focus on the negative? Since we are powerful creators, we create more of that problem.
There is a balance of storing useful, good things such as food storage and other necessities with foresight and careful orderly planning. Hoarding means storing garbage and junk that holds you back. You can see and gage how much it holds you back by the disorder how it takes up open space. Everything has energy, and so the more negative things you hold on to, the more weighed down you become. Even unfinished projects hold you back. Either throw out your old projects or finish them off. Don’t start anything new unless you know you will finish it in a short time before you start another thing. Let go of things you don’t need any more.
The opposite of hoarding is of course simplifying. This is more than just being organized.
>>It is safe for me to let go and change
Suggested Activity: Throw out something in your closet when you get something new to add to it.
Spiritually letting go of physical things helps you more fully rely on God. We’ve had to learn this every time we move countries! Things we own are just ‘stuff’ and can be replaced. We already have the most important intangible things: our family, our health, our love for God, and our abilities, gifts, and talents. The material things will come and go. Don’t let them distract you from your higher purpose.
Let go of old hurts and old painful situations: Have you met someone who just won’t stop telling an old painful story? What is happening inside of them? Look inside yourself let go of the fear that that person might hurt you again. You open up old wounds each time you revisit that memory. Remember you have the power to choose your response. Delete it from your mind, heart, and energy. You can also tap into the power source of God and gain strength to protect yourself in the future.
Lemongrass will help you see things from a spiritual perspective. Ask yourself, “In 1,000 years, is that really going to important?” You might see how many years have been wasted gathering up more and more hate, anger, and pain to add to that original situation?
Physically, your home is it organized? If your home isn’t, chances are your insides are not either. How about your body? Are you allowing the plaque to build up in your arteries? You are clogging the channels of your joy. Why are you fearful of accepting and receiving joy? Who are you really hurting holding onto that negativity?
We are creatures of habit, so to help you break these chains and unlearn negative thought patterns, smell Lemongrass and choose positive thinking patterns.
Positive Power Script: Touch your heart and say,
>>I choose to love life. My channels of joy are wide open. It is safe to receive.
Touch your forehead and say:
>I choose to think clear positive thoughts.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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