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Download a HD Clear Essential Oil handout here.
Some days the teenage kid inside of me surfaces. Literally. On my FACE! Over the years, I’ve worked on self-love, self-acceptance, worthy, and self-awareness.
dōTERRA oils have really helped me make changes with it’s amazing high vibrations. HD Clear the topical or skin clearing blend helps clear away false beliefs and lies we tell ourself and staying small and unworthy.
Physically HD Clear powerfully cleanses and helps our body repair the imperfections on the surface of the skin. This oil blend is not just for teens. It is for those who is still stuck in their teens or have some issues in their teens years that they still need to resolve. It is for those people who are perfectionist to be ok with their humanity!
This oil is a blend of Black Cumin Seed Oil, Ho Wood Leaf, Melaleuca Leaf, Litsea Berry, Eucalyptus Leaf, and Geranium Plant essential oils.
HD Clear comes in a system with three products. The HD clear oil blend, Foaming face wash and Facial lotion.
Buy HD Clear® Foaming Face Wash
Clear Complexion: Apply HD Clear on spots. Great for teenage skin prone to break outs to keep skin clean and clear.
Skin Imperfections: Mix HD Clear with Fractionated Coconut oil and apply on location. This blend will rapidly help the skin to remember how to be whole again. Bumpy skin on arms or discoloration on the skin could be a fungal issue. Use this oil topically. Consider doing the 30-day cleanse for internal cleansing.
Irritable Skin: Mix HD Clear with Lavender, Cedarwood and Fractionated Coconut oil to calm irritable skin. It helps calm the redness & itchiness. Can be applied to feet, the privates, dry spots, fingers and toes nails.
Oily Skin: Mix HD Clear with Fractionated Coconut oil and apply on location. Use it with the HD Clear Foaming Face Wash and Lotion.
Immunity Boosting: Rub on feet and hands to keep the immunity strong
HD Clear is the oil of Accepting Imperfections. According to the Emotions & Essential Oils book, the negative emotions HD Clear oil helps to release are as follows: Emotional pain, angry, self-judgement, concealing, suppressing, blaming
The positive properties we can incorporate are the following: Self-acceptance, self-love, worthy, healthy, expression, self-aware
HD Clear clarifies the mind and spirit too. Many problems we have with ourselves and others stems from a weak sense of self. As a child, we’ve followed rules, directions and guidance from others. With all those skills and earlier knowledge, it is time we detect and decide who we really want to be.
Self-Acceptance: Consider mixing HD Clear with Slim & Sassy, Bergamot or Litsea. Use it topically or aromatically along with this affirmation.
>>I fully accept myself for all that I am
Self-love: Consider using both Forgive and HD Clear. Use it topically or aromatically along with this affirmation.
>>I am fully tolerant and loving towards myself
Feeling Healthy: Use any or all of the following – Basil, DDR Prime & HD Clear. Use it topically or aromatically along with these affirmations.
<<I release the need to be sick
>>I choose to be strong and healthy
Expressing Self: Use any or all of the following: Lavender, Spearmint, HD Clear, & Citrus Bliss. Use it topically or aromatically along with these affirmations.
>>I am free to express my true self
<<I release the need to hide myself
Self-Aware: Use any or all of the following: Juniper Berry, Fennel, Jasmine, Ginger, Balance, & HD Clear. Use it topically or aromatically along with these affirmations. Use it topically or aromatically along with this affirmation.
>>I am fully aware connected to inner myself
By the way, the emotions of acne is about suppressed anger towards self. It boils to the surface and explodes! Skin irritations of any sort is about feeling irritations within. Identifying your thoughts and beliefs beneath this irritation will help you resolve your skin concerns. This goes with skin infections too. When we are not resolved in our path and who we are, we will let others opinions and ideas ‘infect’ us.
Dark energies and spirits are ever present and we can be self-aware enough to push through it daily. How we push through it is recognize lies. Here are some common lies we subconsciously tell ourselves.
Smell the HD Clear as you push through the lies that sabotage your progression.
Let’s talk about these lies. Sometimes they are known and other times these lies are subconscious and buried under emotions and confusion. If your heart moves and relates, then it maybe something you can work on.
I am not good enough: I am a Child of God and that’s good enough. Let God be the judge of you. With our limited understanding, we don’t have all the information to cast judgements on ourselves. Let God do His job. Don’t take His job! You are good enough now. Consider a healthy child learning how to walk for the first time. If he falls over a few times, do you say, “Give up already, you aren’t made to walk!” Of course not! You say, “Get back up and try again darling!! You can do it!! You’ve got it inside of you to walk.” Likewise, you have it inside of you to ‘walk’ through life’s journey. All the tools and mechanism is inside of you. Continue to tap into that truth and light within.
I will be happy when ‘things’ are better: I choose to be happy now as I continually progress. You are so use to When that when and if WHEN comes along, you are already on to the next “When.” Always holding happiness an arms reach away as if saying, “I can’t be happy or else I will stop progressing.” The truth is happiness begat more happiness and so your progression is expedited. Sometimes we are not clear on what we want and how we want to live our lives. We have some obscure picture in mind such as have a family, own a home, have a good job but even when we have those things, we haven’t intentionally decided on being happy that who won’t be happy. Let’s be more self-aware and be happy now no matter what. When everything is perfect and you are perfect and ‘walking on water’ then God would have taken you home. Earth is for those still practicing heaven!! In other words, we are practicing Happy!!
I’ll start tomorrow: Today is what is real. There is power in the NOW! Today is yesterday’s tomorrow. Yesterday and tomorrow is not real. Our days are made up of todays. Whatever you want, start today. You have power today to CHOOSE and create. Even if it is a little bit of planning, saving, a small step. Two great books to read are “The Power of Now” and “The Slight Edge.” If you want to loose weight, what can you do today to make that happen? If you want to get a promotion, choose to make changes that is fitting for the new position. If you fear starting, then resolve it. Ask yourself honest questions and find out what the false beliefs are and resolve it as much as you can NOW.
I don’t know how to be….: God will show me how to… You fill in the blanks. I don’t know how to be a good mother/wife/business owner etc. If it is important to you and you really want to, then God will show you how. When we say we can’t…our subconscious searches for ways to validate and support that statement. Why are we spending our creative energy on unsupportive thinking? As soon as we catch ourselves doing that, push through that natural tendency to intentional thinking. Adopt new supportive beliefs like, “God will show me how to be a great mother.”
I should be further along by now: I am right where I need to be. Where is that magic rule book that you are suppose to be and do anything at a certain time? Define further along? What are you defining yourself by? Ask yourself if there are there lessons that are repeating for you? Sometimes that ‘Grounds-hog day’ life’s lesson repeating making you feel that you should be further along. If so, it may be the perfect time to learn them now. God perhaps knew that you needed to repeat things several times until you get to this point now.
Somehow the intelligent universe compensates and God knew you would be here at this time. I believe that there is a perfection in life where we can allow serendipity to happen. When you choose to be happy and grateful with your here and now, things will shift and you will sense time moving forward but now you no longer feel regretful. HD Clear helps us let go of the guilt of the past.
Other people are so lucky/blessed: I am so blessed. Be grateful and submissive. Gratitude attracts more blessings. Focus on your life’s purpose and calling. Fully engage in that purpose and surrender to God’s will. Believe that “Life is Fair!” In our human limited understanding, it may seem unfair but somehow when life’s tapestry is all laid out for us, we will see where those ‘loose threads’ fit after all. You already have evidence of that in your own life as you look back and see the ‘perfection’ of your life. How if certain events didn’t occur, you wouldn’t ‘t be who you are today. Believe that we all have our own personally designed trials or lessons to go through. Don’t waste your ‘Chi’ on comparing apples and oranges.
I am terrible: It is ok to make mistakes. I accept my humanity. Again let God be the judge. You are still progressing. Sometimes we are so use to punishing ourselves because we are scared we will repeat the same mistake. We punish and drill it in to our psyche. The natural consequences of the universe is sufficient. Let go, and move through it with humility. I cry it out and resolve to do better next time without the mental abuse. I tell myself often 80% good enough is good. I can give things my best shot and accept things as it is.
I am defined by my weight/race/wealth/education etc.: I am a Child of God. I am of infinite worth just by being me. We can’t fall into the trap of comparison and judgement according to the world’s definitions. This is what teenagers often do when they don’t know who they are and where they are going. They allow the influence of the loud voices to determine their paths. Fashions and trends change constantly. When I catch myself measuring myself in this way, remind myself that I only answer to God. I am true to myself and I am resolved to be happy on my life’s inspired path. Allow yourself to grow up and quit comparing. Comparison kills joy. I find when I accept myself and surrender to my uniqueness, miracles happen around me. The challenge is to keep doing that!!
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