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How would you like to feel light and free? You can permanently let go of the burden of guilt, anger, bitterness and other similar negative emotions. Forgive Blend is a lovely blend of tree and herbal oils with a hint of citrus. I am so excited about this blend. It is so powerful. Forgive is a blend of Spruce Leaf, Bergamot Peel, Juniper Berry Fruit, Myrrh Resin, Arborvitae Wood, Nootka Tree Wood, Thyme Leaf, and Citronella Herb.
When you have learned to forgive, life becomes easier and you will no longer choose to be hurt or resentful in future situations. Now, you are well on your way to peace.
Bergamot helps you feel confident that you can do this and that it isn’t difficult at all. Spruce helps you be flexible to break negative chains and negative generational patterns. Thyme is the oil of releasing and forgiving. Citronella helps you create healthy boundaries and repel negative energy. Juniper Berry is about being ok with the unknown. Arborvitae and Nootka tree oil is about surrendering to the Divine powers and allowing grace in. And Myrrh is about trusting that mother nature will take care of you always so you can release the fears because you are now safe.
Ulcers & Liver Support: Apply regularly over the abdomen and reflex points. (refer to the emotions below)
Skin Support: Apply directly on skin but remember to not expose skin to direct sunlight. (Remember that emotionally irritated skin issues is about allowing things to ‘get under your skin’ and irritate you. Forgiveness helps you release those negative thoughts.)
Addictions: Diffuse and apply on pulse points.
Circulation: Apply Forgive to chest.
Cleansing From Environmental Threats: Apply regularly to the bottom of your feet and your tummy.
Prostate Support: Apply on the bottom of feet, ankles and near focused area.
Libido Balancing: Diffuse and apply on ankles.
Hair Loss: Apply to the bottom of your feet especially the big toes. Hair loss comes from holding onto negative thoughts.
Forgive is The oil of forgiving and renewing. According to the Emotions & Essential Oils book, the negative emotions Forgive oil helps to release are as follows: Unforgiving, critical, judgmental, resentful, cynical, bitter, blaming, angry
The positive properties we can incorporate are the following: Forgiving, light, free, loving, understanding, tolerant, empathetic
Sometimes reacting in negative fearful way is a bad automatic habit that takes effort to break and push through. Sometimes we are addicted to negative responses that causes us to be self-sabotaging.
When we can forgive, we will feel lighter and freer so our blood flow will circulate better throughout our body.
Anxious Feelings: Diffuse and apply over the heart and say this affirmation:
>>I am light, free, loving, and understanding
Emotions of Ulcers (according to Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman):
- Worrying over details
- Conflict as to capability
- Frustration at not having things go the way you want
- Pressures are too much to bear
- Feelings of anxiety, fear or tension
- Seeking revenge
- Feelings of conflict/helplessness/powerless
Emotions of Liver -Anger center (according to Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman):
- Feelings of unresolved anger
- Feelings of resentment & pettiness
- Being judgmental
- Critical thoughts
- Not forgiving self & others
- Feelings of injustice & revenge
- Feelings of self-condemnation
- Feelings of regret over the past
- Feelings of sadness
- Being possessive
Emotions of Hair Loss (according to Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman):
- Unable to be flexible in changing your thinking.
- Not using your own power
- Relying on others for your sense of security/safety
Emotional Toxicity: Diffuse regularly and apply Forgive over your heart. The negative thoughts is physically manifested by fungus, parasites, bacterias etc. When we release these negative thoughts, we help our body cleanse itself of these ‘environmental threats’ too. When we forgive, our body relaxes it’s hold onto these parasitic life forms inside our body.
Push through the toxicity and be brave. Apologize, forgive and be happy.
We are taught to forgive but sometimes we don’t know how and feel that it is too difficult. Feeling unforgiving is holding onto negative judgement of someone or a situation based on your limited understanding.1
We seek for understanding of people and their actions by making judgments and decisions about people according to current level of understanding. It is like judging an infant child who is learning how to walk. Would you ever judge this infant as unworthy to succeed or ever become a walker when he inevitably falls as he takes his first few steps? No! He has never walked before and of course he will start out shakily. Likewise we have never been the age we are now. We are still practicing how to be like God. We have to remember we DON’T have all the information to judge conclusively. God asks us to judge wisely if we are to judge. To me, wisely means, giving people the benefit of the doubt and assuming the best intentions and motives in people. In Matthew 7:1, it says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” You will see below that you subconsciously judge yourself the same way you judge others.
Let God do His job as judge of us at the END of our journey. Don’t take God’s job from Him midway through your journey. Just focus on your part. Our job is to keep God’s commandments. All the commandments hangs on the first two commandments. Focus on those two. The first two commandments is to love God, ourselves and others unconditionally.
Unconditionally means you do not attach your happiness to any conditions. These common conditions are people’s actions, thoughts, outcomes or certain situations. As we unattached from these conditions and surrender our will to God, we will find loving others unconditionally easier because we feel the love of God for us. It may take a while to wrap your head around this idea but it is possible. We are all imperfect humans so attaching our happiness to other imperfect humanity and life ever changing situations is attaching happiness to a sandy foundation. That is why we were asked to love God first. Loving God as our first priority helps us attach to God and anchor ourselves in His firm foundation and power.
That firm foundation of love and power from God makes it easier for us to love ourselves. We will see ourselves in His eyes. We are His children with great potential to be like Him. Loving ourselves unconditionally as we journey along this life will help us see others with more understanding and tolerance. We will be kinder to others because we are kinder to ourselves.
What makes it hard for us to be kind to ourselves? It is the automatic parenting in our minds that make it hard for us to be kind to ourselves. Often as adults, we treat ourselves the way our parents or caregivers treated us as a child. They may have assumed negatively about you so you do that same towards yourself. Most of the time we are not aware but as adults we naturally ‘parent’ ourselves in the same way as our parents would have if they were here. We consciously and subconsciously rebuke ourselves, think poorly of ourselves, and inflict pain and punishment of some sort upon ourselves when we do wrong.
Sometimes that punishment means self-sabotage and self-denial. Instead, allow me to suggest this. Trust that the natural consequences of nature is sufficient punishment and that further judgment and punishment by you only backfires by sending negative messages such as you are not good enough, not smart enough, you mess up, you are not worthy, lovable or valuable. If you touch fire, the natural pain that comes from it should be sufficient punishment to teach you a lesson. Don’t play God and add to the punishment of yourself when you were momentarily human and not saintly as you had hoped. If you perpetuate this parenting and punishment, you will do the same to others and others will do the same to you because these negative patterns live in your heart. The heart attracts its identical energy.
Punishment is used as a form of motivation by society. Sometimes the subconscious holds onto fear and pain as a form of motivation to get us to do something. That is the human way of motivating. Fear, shame and pain is not a positive way of motivating us to progress like God. It creates nothing good. Release the need to be motivated by fear, shame or pain. Allow God’s love and positivity to pull you forward and draw you into happiness, light, and love. Intentionally choose beliefs that move you towards with more happiness, light, and love.
The pain we feel when we subconsciously choose to allow other’s to ‘hurt’ us is just a mirror of subconscious truths we believe inside. If it wasn’t there, then it wouldn’t hurt. Be grateful and use that pain as a clue to discover the negative root of your feelings and thoughts. Once you’ve resolved it, you are liberated and do not feel hurt if the same thing would ever happened again.
It is tempting to blame others or situations for your pain. But blaming is giving your power away and only makes you more miserable. Blaming does not make you feel more empowered or free. Blaming is subconsciously believing you are weak. Of course you are weak. But in God you can be strong. Anyone fully connected to the strong power source will be fully responsible for their responses to life’s stimuli. Intentionally choosing and being fully accountability for those choices makes us FREE. Sometimes we are the blamer, other times we allow others to blame (in other words to dump their responsibility onto us.) Either way, it is not owning our own power.
We may justify that holding onto the memory of pain and fear will keep us safe. In reality, only God can keep us safe. We can’t keep us safe. Learn the lessons and trust that you know better now. Surrender the job of judgement to God. He is just and merciful so trust that all will be fair. Remember you create what you focus on. You will create more pain and fear when you keep holding onto that energy.
The more you love yourself, the more forgiving, loving, patient and understanding you become. You allow yourself to keep practicing heaven freely. Smell Forgive oil often and say these affirmations:
>>I freely receive love and light
>>I am light and free
>> I am kind and gentle with myself
>>I allow others the freedom to be human and progress in their own way
<<I release the need to judge and take over God’s job
- Lean not unto thine own understanding, Prov. 3:5.
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