Foot Reflexology & Essential Oils
Everyone can learn to understand their body and take a more proactive role in their health. Our body tells us a lot of information. With some guidance, you can feel a greater sense of confidence in caring for your own health.
Download Your Foot Reflexology Chart Here (PDF)
Download Your Foot Reflexology Chart Here (PDF)
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology has been around for thousands of years. It is also known as zone therapy. It is a way to read the outside of the body to get information about the inside of the body. The Chinese have had reflexology for over 5000 years. The Egyptians have used reflexology way back during the times of the Pharaohs.
Scientifically there is no nerve connecting the brain to the big toes necessarily but there seems to be an energy connection. Besides the feet, we can do ‘reflexology’ on the hands, ears and even the eyes.
In the Holy Bible, reflexology is mentioned too.
28 And the priest shall put of the oil that is in his hand upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the place of the blood of the trespass offering:–Leviticus 14:28
Understanding the reflex points can give us deeper insights to our subconsciousness. Our organs hold emotional energies. When those organs have ‘imbalance issues’ we have a starting place to re-balance or realign again.
How to Heal at the Root?
As humans we have our limitations of what we really can see and perceive in our world. There are so many distractions and interferences that make us less conscious than we would like. The health problems and ailments are clues to help us identify imbalances and helps us realign ourselves with our life’s purpose. We realign physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Step 1: Identify what your health concern is!
If you have a special medical name for your health problem such as Asthma or Crohn’s disease, you can identify what the organs and body systems are that it affects.
For Asthma, it is mostly about Lungs. For Crohn’s disease, it is mostly about the bowels and the digestive system.
Step 2: Reference the chart for essential oil suggestions
For Lungs: Breathe Respiratory Blend, Melissa, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Rosemary and Cardamom
For Digestive system: DigestZen Digestive Blend, Ginger, Cardamom, Peppermint and Wild Orange.
Step 3: Understand the Emotional Roots & Apply it to YOU
Look up those oils and see if there is a theme of emotions that maybe you should manage. There are negative emotions to release and positive emotions to adopt. Here is another chart of organs and the emotions that it holds. We hold onto emotions subconsciously until we consciously chooses to release them.
Smell and use the oils aromatically, topically and internally according to your knowledge and intuition. When your health problem has resolved or improved then you can move onto the next thing to ‘heal’ from.

Dr. Bradley Nelson’s Emotion Code Chart
Words of Wisdom
- You are not your disease. Do not own the title. Don’t say, “My Crohn’s…” Instead say, “I am healing from a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease.” That way, you can really heal permanently and not have to keep managing symptoms all your life—that is IF you WANT to heal.
- Everything is connected to everything. In the holistic health world that is very true. Your gut problems is linked to your rashes, which was because you felt irritated with someone or something. You are irritated because you are fearful and insecure. Those fears and insecurities is because you haven’t chosen to be more connected and faithful to your divine source. WE speak words of faith but our actions of fears betray us. It’s ok. We are only humans and we can keep trying and working on it. Just keep swimming. That gut problem should teach us to rely on the divine more. Worry less. Honor ourselves more and judge less. You see? Everything is connected to everything. When we heal, we heal at all levels.
- Believe our body knows how to heal. I believe that God created us and there is a reverence and respect we need to give to that fact. He doesn’t make ‘rubbish.’ It is us to clean up how we eat, drink, think, feel and behave to honor this ‘temple’ we call our body.
- Healing is a lifetime journey. Don’t get discouraged if you haven’t healed completely and feel like you are at the prime of your life within a short time. We heal in layers and seasons/stages. The important thing is progression. Sometimes I see people healing rapidly then they seem to hit a plateau. At this point, I usually suggest a deeper and more significant healing and change. It is at this turning point that something dramatic changes or we turn back around and halt our growth. The scriptures warn us about ‘damning’ ourselves. A damn is opposite to a flowing river of motion right? Never fear, the physical health issues that arises at this time will give you more clues as to how to move forward.
- The most important part of healing is CHANGE. We are changing into something better. Are you happier, more at peace and more alive today then last year? If so, you are making good progress.
- CHOOSE. You have the power to choose to cancel negative behavior and adopt new changes. We CAN change. No challenge is beyond your ability if you and providence is united.
I invite you to take control of your health. To learn to read your body more and get the clues as to how to change. It is possible to change. It may not be easy at times but it is worth it. Your body is amazing and YOU deserve to be happy and peaceful inside and out.
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