It can’t be argued that when we simply care for our wellness, we find we obviate the need for synthetically produced drugs. Healthy people have less need for drugs. Which is good, because many synthetic remedies like drugs come with toxins and harmful, unwanted side affects.
Popping a pill for every ill is a different approach than discovering what essential oil or essential oil blend to use.
Every body is different. Though the symptoms or the ailment may be the same, the root cause may be very different.
Synthetic remedies may help eliminate (or cover up) they symptoms, but they also introduce toxins and side effects.
Natural remedies such as essential oils not only address the symptoms, but can also help address the root causes. Moreover, assuming they are pure, they do not introduce synthetic toxins and are virtually free of side effects.
Essential oils not only provide solutions to our physical body, but also our environment as they can replace many of our personal care and cleaning products. Imagine living in a world full of natural solutions to all our physical needs. Essential oils would undoubtably be the center of our bundle of solutions. So, rather than turning to toxins or harsh chemicals, you can first turn to essential oils for a solution. If you don’t find one there, then you can begin to look elsewhere.
With Synthetic Remedies, you have one solution to fit anything that matches the symptoms you are feeling. Often this is like using a sledge hammer to fix everything regardless of the source of the ailment.
The Synthetic Remedy Paradigm is reactive. When you have a problem, then you address it.
Essential oils work differently, we view your wellness as the goal and constantly work to improve our wellness intrinsically on the most basic levels. This is a proactive approach to wellness. This is taking primary responsibility for our own wellness and making it a personal priority in our life. When we are well, illness and ailments occur far less often.
95% of day-to-day stuff can be addressed with essential oils.
With essential oils, you have many tools that have multiple uses. You find the one that works for you. It may take trying a few things.
And it may mean more work, or you wait longer for a result. (sometimes the relief is quicker than synthetic remedies)
But the work and the wait are more than worth it for a natural solution.
This is how you use essential oils for an ailment. You feel something you want to address, such as indigestion. You have many essential oils that have digestive properties. You simply try some suggested oils and experiment until you find something that takes care of the ailment.
You can expedite the process by allowing yourself to rely on your intuition. Often, you may find that your body or your subconscious knows what you need.
More often than not, what you feel as a symptom is just a manifestation of something out of balance or not working right with our body below.
That is, what you see is not really what is wrong. The symptom is merely the result of a Root Cause of the ailment. Treating the symptom most often will not address the root cause. In some cases, it might make the Root Cause worse.
Unlike synthetic remedies, essential oils can be used to address both the symptoms and the root cause.
This often means that when deciding what approach to take, we need to look at the bigger picture of our wellness.
What are we eating
Are we getting some physical movement in our life
Do we get enough sleep or rest
Have we been exposed to too many toxins?
Often we find we need to dig even deeper.
The cause of our physical symptoms may be from stress, emotional trauma, or poor nutrition.
The great thing about essential oils is that they can help you with every aspect of your wellness.
This is a different paradigm from synthetic on-size-fits all solutions.
Each year families spend thousands of dollars on healthcare per person.
Managing your wellness in a proactive manner with natural (toxin-free) solutions can save you money today and in the long run.
People who are well, do not need over-the-counter medicine, doctor visits, pharmaceutical drugs, and hospital visits. Yes, there will always be emergencies and serious illnesses that need immediate medical attention of the kind that natural solutions can’t even approach.
For the most part, living a healthy lifestyle can save you so much money in all of these departments.
Since using essential oils in our lives, we have been so healthy that we have not had a reason to take ourselves or our children to the doctor’s office for over five years. We actually don’t have any over-the-counter medicine in the house. We are not against these things, and would be willing use these products and services if and when necessary. However, we don’t have the need.
We do get sick, and within hours sometimes we get well. There are just so many natural solutions that work for us. Essential oils are the main source of these solutions.
Good health is a financial investment. Our philosophy is to look for a natural solution before turning to a synthetic one. This is applied to every area of our life even what we use to clean the table.
Using natural cleaning products is another way you can save money. Not only are natural solutions such as essential oils safer, cleaner, and free of toxins, but also they can be much more affordable.
You are going to buy cleaning and personal care products anyway. Why not buy natural ones that use essential oils as the active ingredients. For us, this includes products such as toothpaste, laundry detergent, hand lotion, facial cleanser, and hand sanitizer.