We are created perfectly with many elements.These elements are air, fire, water, earth, and ether.When we master these elements we master our energy.Another word for energy is spirit.
Our goal is to be more fully self-aware and awaken.To help unite and balance all the elements in our spirit, we can meditate and practice mastering each one of them.They all work together to help our body self-regulate and function optimally.
Each of us is a unique ‘being’, with diverse qualities.When we can master our energy we can master our creative ability and manifest the desires of our hearts.
In this meditation, you will focus energy inside of you.You will move your energy around your body.You will also expand your energy out beyond you and then back in again.This is like stretching that spiritual muscle and controlling your spiritual strength.
When you harness and master your energy, you can move negative energy out of your body.Negative energy causes diseases.Tension in the body is where negative is stored.We can release it and allow the energy to freely flow.Released negative energy will help you feel joy more fully.The purpose of our being is to be joyful.When we feel joy, we will feel fulfilled, powerful and at peace.
For this Meditation you can use Breathe oil and the Yoga Collection.
Release Negative Energy & Heal Your Body
Negative energy and negative low vibrations can causes diseases.Tension in the body caused by negative energy reduces or stop the flow of energy and therefore reduces the speed of the healing process.Negativity also reduces your ability to feel joy fully.The purpose of our being is to be joyful.When we feel joy, we will feel fulfilled and at peace.1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, preferably in nature.If that is not possible then near a window so you can see outside.With each element, there will be a different type of breath.Be prepared to change your breathing.
2. Listen to soft relaxing music as you do this.
3. Add one drop Anchor oil on your big toes.Also put a drop in your palms and smell for 10 seconds.Optional: Add one drop Breathe/Easy Air oil in your palms and smell for 10 seconds.
Start Meditation here
Close your eyes and drop your attention into your body.
Breathe slowly
Do a soft scan of your body. Release any tension anywhere that you may be holding on to.
Allow your breath be full and relaxed.
Scan your body again. Where do you feel the tension now? Breathe into that area. Sigh when you breathe out.
Deep breath in and slowly out again.
Scan your body one more time. Where else do you feel the tension? Breathe into that area. And sigh when you breathe out.
Your body is a great physician. It knows how to heal.
Deep breath in and slowly out again.
Now, bring your attention into your pelvis, and feel how solidly the earth is below you.
The earth is connected to you. And you are connected it. The earth is holding all of us together.
Deep breath in and slowly out again.
Now let your attention expand to your surroundings. Feel the energy around you. Take in all the sounds and scents. Let all these things nourish you deeply.
Deep breath in and slowly out again.
Allow your body to soften even more. Sink into the ground.
Now bring your attention into your spine and torso. Move that energy ever so softly and easily up and down that spine.
Deep breath in …and slowly out again.
Keep breathing into your spine. Allow your energy to flow smoothly up and down that spine. You have no obstacles. Energy is flowing freely.
You love and support yourself. You allow God and the universe to love and support you. Everyone’s got your back.
Enjoy and receive this gift for a few moments.
Air Element
Air Element
Now bring your attention to the Air Element
Breathing in through your mouth and out through your mouth.
Breathe full relaxed breaths. Fill up your lungs with life giving oxygen.
Feel air surrounding you. It holds you in its embrace. No matter which way you move, it will give and open the space for you. It never lets you go.
You are always embraced by air. Feel the softness and lightness of the air around you.
Keep breathing in through your mouth and out through your mouth.
Feel its touch against your skin. If you can feel a breeze, how does it move you – your clothes or hair?
What parts of your body feel warmed or cooled by the air?
Now bring your attention into your breath.
Keep breathing in through your mouth and out through your mouth.
Feel the movement, strength and softness of air.
Release and let go of grief, sadness, sorrow, discouragement, rejection, and defensiveness,
Notice how it flows effortlessly in and out – clear, ever-changing, powerful, gentle, always moving, and spiraling.
The air you breathe has been breathed by countless beings before you.
Trees breathe out oxygen, so you can breath in. Your exhalation, carbon dioxide, is the gift of life to plants and trees. Can you tune into how amazing this cycle is?
Keep breathing in through your mouth and out through your mouth.
Let’s go deeper.
Feel Air touching every cell in your body with its life giving energy – inspiring lofty ideas, creativity, and intelligence.
You are living life fully. You are free. You can trust life and take risks.
You are the Air expressing in human form.
Keep breathing in through your mouth and out through your mouth.
For the next few moments let yourself fully absorb the deep nourishment of air.
Give thanks to Air for the breath of Life.
Fire Element
Fire Element
Now bring your attention to the element of Fire, breath in through your mouth and out through your nose.
Breath in through your mouth and slowly out through your nose like a dragon.
Fire is the element of the great Sun in the sky.
Let yourself feel how this element touches you, surrounds you and warms you.
Feel fire’s energy on your skin. Can you see its light in your mind’s eyes?
Feel how it penetrates through your skin, keeping your body soft and fluid.
Breath in through your mouth and slowly out through your nose like a dragon.
That fire is burning and metabolizing the food inside your body.
Plants take their energy from the sun.
Your body now uses that energy from the plants and other foods you’ve eaten to create and give life to you. How amazing is this!
Go deeper inside and see if you can feel all this action and movement – metabolizing, transforming, digesting and absorbing.
Your digestive system works smoothly.
Release the energy of overwhelmed. You don’t have to know everything and do everything all at once.
Fire allows creation of thoughts and feelings. You can create whatever your heart desires.
Let that fire ignite passions inside. You radiate energy from within your core.
Can you feel that fire on your skin, radiating outwards and continually expanding as far out as you can all the while regenerating its power from the sun.
Breath in through your mouth and slowly out through your nose like a dragon.
You absorb the rays of the sun and the warmth of fire.
Allow the heart to warm up and feel passion and joy. You are secure, decisive, and instinctive.
For the next few moments let yourself fully absorb the deep nourishment and the miracle of fire.
Breath in through your mouth and slowly out through your nose like a dragon.
Give thanks to the energy of fire and allow fire to bless your life.
Water Element
Water Element
Now bring your attention to the element of Water, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Be aware of the suspended tiny droplets of water cushioned within air.
Feel it caressing your skin.
Taste its sweet and gentle nourishment.
Bring your attention to your mouth and feel how water spreads itself over your tongue, keeping your sense of taste alive with its moisture.Focus on the water in your mouth and feel its movement, wetness and textures.
Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
The water you drank today has moved through countless other beings through the millennia, recycling itself over and over again.
Now let your attention go a little deeper inside of your body.First connecting to your heartbeat and the gushing of fluids with every beat.
Follow that blood-flow to every corner of your body.
That blood carries essential nutrients that feed all your cells.Make sure you follow that flow all the way to the tips of your fingers and down to the tips of your toes.
Notice how the fingers and toes feel.Can you feel the energy moving in your fingers and toes?Is it tingly?
Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Turn your attention to your kidneys and bladder.These organs can filter anything water soluble.
Filter out the fears, disappointments, failures, self judgements and criticisms.Let it all go.
Adopt emotions of acceptance, supported, praise, encouragement, self control, success
Let’s take your energy out now.Imagine you are on a journey through water particles in the air.You end up in the oceans, rivers and streams all over the world.
Keep traveling freely.You’ve circled the earth.Moving and flowing.
Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Come back into your body.You are 80% fluids, rushing, refreshing, nourishing, hydrating your entire organism.Can you feel the wisdom water carries as it courses through you?Sometimes it’s fast like rapids in a river, sometimes slow, like a lazy trickling stream.
Feel the effortless way water touches your life. Water brings joy and purpose – it even brings passion like giant waterfalls.
Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Remember, you are water.Water is you.Water carries the toxins out of your body easily from every corner and cell of your body.Release wastes and clean the body daily with water.
Bless the water you drink daily.It will enter your body and perform miracles effortlessly.
Take the next few moments to feel the miracle of how water becomes and expresses itself as you.
Give thanks to the energy of Water and for the waters of life.
Earth Element
Earth Element
Now bring your attention to the element of Earth, breath in through your nose and out through your nose.
Earth is your home.Mother earth gave you your body to house your spirit.
Earth helped develop the heart that beats inside you, the lungs that allows air in and out of you, the filtering organs, your kidneys, liver, stomach and the rest of the digestive systems that can take in nourishment and release it again.
You share this earth with all the plants, animals and insects.
Breath in through your nose and out through your nose.
Earth allows so many expressions of you to bless the world.The meals you create and everything else you’ve created with your hands are expressions of you using the elements of the earth.
Your body is a joy and a delight.Your body can do so much.You even offer life from your body.
Your body is a source of pleasure.Your skin, eyes, bones, muscles, organs, tissues are all designed in perfection to house your spirit so that you may have experiences, grow and learn.
Notice and appreciate the diversity of shapes, textures and colors that create this remarkable form that is you.
Focus your attention on the liver and gallbladder.Release all anger, bitterness, complaining, guilt, hated, resentment, depression, frustration, annoyance, and panic
Adopt joy, calm, comfort, patience, courage, optimism, appreciation, and confidence.
Breath in through your nose and out through your nose.
Now bring your attention to your environment.Notice how all physical forms around you is made from the body of the Earth, what you are sitting or laying on, the plants, birds, electrical wires, machines, homes, and your clothing – are all given to you from the generosity of Earth.
All of this given to you, on loan from Earth.
You are part of the Earth.If everyone else is connected to the earth then that means you are connected to everyone else on earth.
Take a few moments to sink into the awesome reality of this.
Breath in through your nose and out through your nose.
Give thanks to the energy of Earth for her great gift of life to you.
Breath in through your nose and out through your nose.
Ether Element
Ether Element
Now we go to the 5th Element – Ether – space.
It takes a little getting use to but gently breath in through your nose & mouth at the same time, and out through your nose & mouth at the same time.
Ever so gently keep breathing.
Ether is the most subtle of the elements.Science says we are 99.99% space – so being solid is an illusion.
Bring your attention to the space that surrounds you. Now go beyond planet earth to the stars and galaxy.
Breath in through your nose & mouth and breathe out through your nose & mouth.
Bring your attention to the space that lives inside of you.Notice how it holds everything in its embrace – Air, Fire, Water, & Earth.Ether allows you to bend all these elements in a way that they can co-exists with unity, oneness.
Mastering the Ether will allow you to bring harmony to the elements in between.
Ether is ever expanding.Its particles emerging into life – disappearing as quickly into ‘the mystery’.
Now let your attention sink a little deeper into the space of creation, of all possibilities, from which all life is sourced.
Picture your life in perfect harmony.Simple.Free.
Surrender all worries and stresses to the universe.
Breath in through your nose & mouth and breathe out through your nose & mouth.
Enjoy how Ether feels. Life continues to dance around you.
Ether is light and life and light and life is you.You are intelligent.You are wise.
Be grateful for your life and all of its blessings.
We give thanks to the energy of Ether for this great gift of Life.
Ending the Meditation
To end meditation (Smell Arise oil)
Now bring yourself back to where you are sitting (or lying)
Notice your surroundings again
Slowly stretch and gently wiggle your toes and fingers
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