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For most of my life, I suffered from one form of skin irritation or another. Some doctors and specialists say it was Eczema others say it’s Psoriasis or Dermatitis. No amount of steroid ointments really helped me permanently. During times of stress the immunity is lowered and the skin would flare up again. Certain food intolerances also made it worse. Overtime, the build up of toxins made it worse. Relief was no where near! Until I discovered the holistic approach. I’ve now enjoyed almost 8 years of clear skin and vitality of health. Here is my suggestion.
We need to get out of the symptom-management approach and get into the resolving root cause approach to resolve the issue once and for all. Let me tell you all about it!
The root of this skin irritation issue is really a gut issue. When we have an overgrowth of candida fungus in our body, the skin will show signs of this overgrowth. Your skin can be red, itchy, flaky and irritated. Sometimes when people use essential oils on these areas and fungus is still rampant in the body, the skin may be even more irritated because the oils are too strong. What I like to do is to start people off with a gentle calming blend such as this. As you use this blend we encourage the body to continue to cleansing the cells out to more permanently resolve the issue.
5 drops Cedarwood
5 drops Geranium
5 drops Yarrow|Pom
2 drops Helichrysum (optional)
Fractionated Coconut Oil
Mix this blend in a 10ml glass roller bottle. Fill up bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil. Roll on skin areas of concern 2-3 times a day. Consider applying on and then soaking in an Epsom salt bath.
- Take 2-3 drops of Lemon oil (or other citrus oils) to encouraging release of toxins from the fat cells.
- Take 2 of each of PB Restore & TerraZyme twice a day. Enzymes can help break down foods for better absorption and repair the gut lining and tissues in organs.
- Use the Lifelong Vitality Supplements daily. Eat a clean diet. Reduce sugar, wheat, dairy, corn & soy.
- As soon as you can, do the 30-day Cleanse & Restore. Alternatively, take 2-3 drops of Thyme, Oregano, & Turmeric oils in veggie capsules twice daily.
Reduce Toxic Load:
Replace toxic skincare, haircare, other personal care products and household cleaners with natural safe options. Ingredients such as SLS, Formaldehyde, Triclosan, and synthetic Fragrances are toxic to the skin and body in general.
Like every health concern, we can need to heal permanently at the emotional root too. Healing emotionally will help us make the necessary changes that will elevate us. According to the Book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, the feelings associated with Eczema are:
- Over-sensitive
- feeling you are being interfered with or prevented from doing something, thus feeling frustrated
- Unresolved hurt feelings
- Unresolved feelings of irritation
According to the Book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, the feelings associated with Psoriasis are:
- Emotional insecurity
- Holding onto feelings/fears that go against you
- Not speaking your truth with love
- Unwilling to be accountable for own feelings
- Unresolved, deep-seeded hurt feelings surfacing
We can heal emotionally when we re-align ourselves spiritually.
Remember you are a child of a loving God and you have a wonderful purpose on earth. Do not buy into the lies you hear that takes you down and keep you insecure. You have a divine path and a powerful purpose.
- Look for evidence of your greatness
- Speak kind words of love and acceptance towards yourself
- Get to know yourself by developing self-awareness
- Be honest with yourself and write down feeling as you resolve concerns from past and present
- Stop measuring your worth my ‘worldly’ standards. You are of infinite worth to God and that’s all that matters
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