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“In 2004, gastrointestinal diseases accounted for approximately 2.5 million hospitalizations, representing 7 percent of all hospital stays in the United States. Hospital costs for these conditions totaled $20.1 billion.
Hospital stays for GI diseases were slightly longer, a little more costly, and more likely to originate in the emergency department than the average hospital stay.
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage was the most common GI disease seen in U.S. hospitals, accounting for 14 percent of all GI-related hospital stays.
Compared to all GI diseases, hospital stays for GI cancers were longer and more costly. Cancers of the esophagus and stomach resulted in the highest rates of in-hospital deaths.
Medicare was billed for more than half of all hospital stays for gastrointestinal hemorrhage, diverticulosis and diverticulitis (bulging and inflammation of the walls of the colon), and intestinal obstruction. Private insurance was billed for more than 60 percent of hospital stays for appendicitis, a condition that occurs more often in younger populations.
Between 1994 and 2004, hospital admissions increased significantly for six GI conditions (regional enteritis and ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, appendicitis, disorders of the esophagus, digestive congenital anomalies, and intestinal infections), while hospital stays for gastroduodenal ulcer decreased.”1
DigestZen is well known for its ability to aid in digestion, soothe occasional stomach upset, and maintain overall digestive health when taken internally. This amazing blend contains Ginger, Fennel, Coriander, Peppermint, Tarragon, Anise, and Caraway.
DigestZen is designed to help ease occasional stomach discomfort, including motion sickness and indigestion, aid with digestion and help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.* DigestZen is great to have on hand when stomach upset occurs and is safe and effective.
DigestZen is one of the doTerra Blends that is considered an effective metabolic blend (like Slim and Sassy and Zendocrine). In my experience DigestZen is quick and powerful for all things digestive!
According to Dr. David Hill, most gastrointestinal disorders are secondary to inflammation from bacteria, viruses, parasites and other microbes and a lack of good nutrition.
Ginger: Calm spasms and nausea. Helps dissolves old mucus, digestive aid, warming tissues/organs and comforting. It can inspire courage, is uplifting and motivating to the spirit. Read more about Ginger here.2
Peppermint: It relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract and promotes peristalsis. Soothing and cooling for the whole body. Enhances bile processing. Helps the body be more comfortable as it heals. Read more about Peppermint here.
Tarragon: Cleansing to the gut and urinary tract. Prevents fermentation in the intestinal tract. Assists absorption of B Complex vitamins in intestinal tract. Helps reduces muscle spasms.3
Coriander: Is soothing to the Pancreas and the Gall Bladder. It assists the body in processing of nutrients. and motivates good oxygenation. Increases action of basic digestive enzymes so nutrients can be absorbed to create healthy new cells. Read more about Coriander here.
Fennel: Helps to improve digestion by supporting the liver. It may also help balance hormones. Read more about Fennel here.
Caraway: Subdues acid reflux. Good relief of gas and discomforts from gas.
Anise: Calms and strengthens the digestive system, calms the sphincters, balances acid and supports creating an environment for healthy digestion.
DigestZen comes in four forms. 1. 15ml DigestZen essential oil 2. Softgels 3. DigestTabs 4. DigestZen Touch
Digestion: Apply 1-2 drops DigestZen on the tummy, the wrists and/or drink 1-2 drops with water for indigestion.
Soothes Stomach Lining: 1-2 drops of each of DigestZen, Oregano and Lemongrass in capsules 3-4 times a day to support the body’s healing ability for soothing stomach lining.
Hangovers: 2-3 drops in water and rubbed on tummy to soothe hangovers. It can be hangovers from alcohol, sugar, carbohydrate or meat protein. Soothes and subdues acid, stimulates repair of damaged tissues of the digestive system.
Large Intestine Lining Support: 3 drops DigestZen, 2 drops Lavender, 2 drops Melaleuca
Head Tension: When our body is dealing with winter challenges, our head may experience head tension. Apply DigestZen to bottoms of your feet, especially the big toe and the bones behind the ear (remember to dilute with coconut oil if very sensitive skin) on the head points of the hands and wrists.
Germ-Destroying & Cleansing: Take 2-3 drops DigestZen 2-3 times a day with water. When your gut is clean, your skin will clear. Sometimes when we don’t eliminate toxins & germs through urine and feces, our body pushes it out through the skin causing rashes. Keep drinking water and cleansing oils such as DigestZen to keep the digestive system clean. DigestZen will help clean out mold, environmental threats, pathogens, and germs from circulation in our body.
Menstrual Cramping: Mix 3 drops each of DigestZen, Whisper, and Marjoram together and rub on the stomach area and lower abs as needed. Try rubbing on before sleep.4
Morning Sickness & Occasional Nausea: Dilute DigestZen with coconut oil and massage into tissue of the outer ear gently, and drink plenty of water.
Food Sensitivities: As our body cleanses and our digestive system is healthier, our body will have less food reactions. DigestZen is safe to take daily. Rub the DigestZen Touch on kid’s feet. It is perfect for babies to relieve gas and similar discomforts.
Sinus Support: Rub 1-2 drops of diluted DigestZen on the forehead and on the sides of your nose (i.e Sinus Meridian) This will help open up the airways. Sinus issues is a gut issue. Clean out the gut and the sinus will improve.
Seasonal Support: 1-2 drops of DigestZen in water or on the bottom of the feet as needed.
Lower Back Discomfort: DigestZen applied around the core of the stomach and on the low back for support. Sometimes when we are ‘backed up’ it pulls on our back. After elimination of our bowels, we may find that our back tensions have been alleviated.
Travel Bug: Drink 1-2 drops DigestZen in water and rub 1-2 drops on tummy.
Motion Sickness: Rub on the bone of ears.
DigestZen is The oil of understanding and assimilation. According to the Emotions & Essential Oils book, the negative emotions DigestZen oil helps to release are as follows: Overstimulated, loss of appetite for food or life, difficulty assimilating new information or experiences, overwhelmed, apathetic, unenthusiastic
The positive properties we can incorporate are the following: Assimilating experiences, adjusting, nourished, enthusiastic
We have more neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) in our gut than in our brain. When our gut is not happy our mind can be foggy and muddled. When we are in our minds a lot, we rob energy from the rest of the body so digestive activity slows down. Ideally we need to have 3-4 bowel movements a day. Our feces need to be soft and smooth.
Overstimulated: Smell Digestzen and take internally to help you relax your digestive muscles and allow the neurotransmitters to flow with ease. Allow your mind to be still so you can hear yourself and be guided by a higher power.
I easily digest all the information that comes my way. I am calm and still.
Emotions of Constipation: Constipation is about holding onto old, outdated, unhelpful, limiting beliefs. In other words you stubbornly hold onto stinkin’ thinkin’. Rub Digestzen on your tummy and smell essential oils you crave such as Wild Orange, Forgive, Balance or Sandalwood. Relax the mind and let old things go.
I can thoroughly digest quickly what I need today for my life. I am releasing all that is unhealthy for me. I release the need to understand everything. I choose to trust in the process.
Faith is about moving forward in life without full knowledge. Our body will give us the clues to adapt and adjust as we go through life so we can realign with our divine source. When we realign with our source, we will be guided in the best way possible beyond our current understanding.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
When digestive issues arises, we should take that as a hint to make some changes. Usually we are holding onto a fear emotion of some sort such as anxiety, stress, worry and tension. Fear is not FAITH. As soon as I am self-aware enough to recognize this imbalance, I tell myself to let things go and focus on having more faith. We all are powerful creators. We create what we focus on. If we allow ourselves to slip onto that slop of fear, we will create more darkness and drama in our lives. The clues we receive from our body such as the digestive upsets, reminds us to change our focus to faith-filled positive focus. When we do so well, our body starts to repair and balance again. Our physical world improves. Faith literally moves mountains and all things come together for your good.
The lower chakras where our digestive issues lie is all about fear, insecurities, lack of action and power. Using Digestzen will help you balance those chakras.
Many health problems stem from the gut problems. Overgrowth of Candida for example can cause minor to major issues from allergies, autoimmune problems, to ulcers and cancers. In order to address these issues permanently we need to look at the root issues which is a spiritual disconnection. We know we are spiritually disconnected when we manifest various digestive concerns physically. It indicates we are holding onto fear. We have chosen fear consciously or unconsciously. Sometimes we may feel we are holding onto faith. We may feel faithful and spiritual but we can be more faithful when we let go of holding onto fear with the other hand. Sometimes we are holding onto both faith and fear at the same time with conflicts us on the inside. Work on letting go of the one less supportive of you so you can stop the internal conflicts and self sabotage. Remember, power comes from FAITH!
- Personal notes from Dr. Sue Lawton
- Personal notes from Dr. Sue Lawton
- Personal notes from Dr. Sue Lawton
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