Rosalina is the oil of The Gentle Path. Rosalina supports those who excessively struggle to lighten up by helping them focus on divine light and truth. This essential oil is for those who feel like their life is flooded with heavy or unmanageable tasks and troubles. Rosalina suggests a gentler path out of your problems for a more relaxing full life.
Rosalina softly assists the heart in balancing the physical and the spiritual energies. Be mindful and observe what your physical body is communicating with you. Often, we conjure up irrational fears and allow our imagination to run away with us, creating a distorted sense of reality. In other words, we allow ourselves to unnecessarily worry and stress which leads to additional physical health and relationship issues.
Nootka is the oil of Graceful Elegance. Nootka assist those who have forgotten their true value and worth by powerfully reminding them of their divine noble heritage. As we reconnect to our divine nobility, we will be inspired as to how to change our behaviors and how to best live our lives.
Nootka helps you awaken to divine truth and to your divine powers within. You have the power to be graceful and civil in any situation. Even if other people are uncivil, you can respond positively. Strive to be grounded, wise, relaxed, and present because you are practicing becoming your best self.
Laurel Leaf essential oil is the oil of Triumph. Laurel leaf symbolizes eternal glory, special achievement, success, and triumph. Laurel Leaf essential oil is bright and spicy, encouraging all to feel uplifted, confident, courageous, and clarity.
No matter what your struggles are, or how dark the future looks, Laurel Leaf reminds you that you have the power to come out of it all triumphant!
Cumin is the oil of Balanced Ambition. Like many seed oils, cumin seed oil is great for the digestive system and for purifying and cleansing the organs. This popular plant requires full sun and can grow quickly.
Cumin helps remind us to balance our drive and passions for achievement. When this drive is based on our own measures and understanding, it may be misguided, distracting or destructive. Cumin reminds us to detach our happiness from the superficial end results of our own version of success. Instead, we can clear away all the unnecessary shallow attachments and appreciate the real, deep purpose of our daily actions.
Buddha Wood is the oil of Focusing on the Fundamentals. This oil is fantastic for those who tend to have too many thoughts going round and round in their head. This is a grounding and balancing oil for those who need help remaining focused on what matters most.
When you feel overwhelmed, Buddha Wood reminds you to start from the beginning and remember the basics. Whatever the struggle is, whether it is in relationships, business, or health, start from the ground up. Ask yourself what are the most important things to focus on?
Birch is the oil of Support and Strength. Birch invites us to work collaboratively with others by receiving and giving support and strength. You may want to start by defining what you want and need first. Then, make up your mind to give yourself that support first. What kind of support are you looking for in others? When you have decided and clearly planned the specific support you want, then you will be able to communicate your needs and thoughts clearly with others. Do you want support in the form of finances, encouragement, collaboration, or something else? Do you know where you stand in your level of self-support? Are you loyal to yourself, your goals, and your dreams? Birch helps you stay committed to yourself.
Balsam Fir is the oil of Strength and Steadfastness. Balsam Fir helps us develop and balance our masculine energy. It is good to be strong and steadfast. Let go of the subconscious benefits of being weak and fragile. Be strengthened with each challenge or trial in life. You cultivate more strength when you allow yourself to be refined by each trial. Clear out the negative perspectives and see only the advantages from life’s challenges.
Caraway is the oil of Loyalty & Fidelity. Caraway is a powerful oil that assist in clarifying your loyalty. It encourages you to be decisive about what you really want and love and then to eliminate everything else that you don’t want.
Clarify your identity and remain true to divine yourself. Recognize divine truths quickly and act on them with exactness. Be aware of your heart’s priorities and trust in your gut instincts to help guide you to your place of peace and power.
Cananga is the oil of Innocence & Joyful Reset. Cananga is a powerful reset oil for those who have, for some reason, experienced a loss of innocence in their childhood. It is for those who were forced to grow up too quickly. Every child deserves to feel safe and carefree. Children deserve to have the freedom to play, laugh, and be protected and provided for. When a child misses out on these experiences, for whatever reason, the child may grow up developing some degree of darkness, discouragement, discontent, and self-destructiveness.
Dream is the oil of Dreaming. Dare to dream your dreams. Dream essential oil blend invites you to take an active role in your life by visualizing, planning, setting goals, taking inspired actions, and staying focused on that greater level of joy. You are loved and deserve to have the higher level of joy from your personal accomplishments and sacrifices. Choose to live life without the regret of never trying. Your dreams are yours and you can patiently and passionately move ahead at your own pace and in your own way, getting ever closer to your heart’s ultimate desires. Dream as big as you like because you are not in competition with anyone else.
Radiant is the oil of Radiant Refinement. Bring out your inner glow with Radiant essential oil blend. This oil is helps you shine on and radiate in your own self-respecting way. It helps you identify your energy to light up a room. Radiant essential oil blend is designed to adapt to your own unique aroma. If you are feeling defeated, down, dull, and drab, use Radiant to help you feel complete and confident again. Let go of imagined fears and allow yourself to be daring, vibrant, and, at the same time, refined.
Thrive is the oil of Inspired Increase. Thrive is a blend that inspires dedication to excellence. It helps you increase the intensity of desire within to achieve more. Stand taller, reach higher, and stretch further than you have in the past. Allow the invigorating citrusy aroma of Thrive to inspire you to take inspired actions. Calmly move ahead without fear of people’s opinions or criticisms. You have the power to not let negative people, situations, or culture hold you down or distract you from rising to your potential and fullness of joy.
Aspire is the oil of Activated Ambition. Aspire helps us activate our heart to aspire for higher achievements in life. Clear away the excuses, attachments, and negativity that you’ve allowed to hold you back in the past.
It is time to live life fully by enthusiastically taking the inspired actions needed to help you achieve your highest potential. Take time to clear your mind and design what you really want and decide what path you want to take forward.
Tulsi is the oil of Spiritual Awakening & Harmony. Tulsi helps us release resistance, clears out the darkness, and invites all to surrender their deepest fears. It helps us create strong boundaries as we decisively remain in our divine space. Choose to live life without the heaviness of outside influences and internal self-imposed stresses and fears. Allow Tulsi to help you intentionally integrate more divine light into all areas your life for a fuller actualization of a joyful life.
This high vibrational oil helps assist with healing the heart. It assists in harmonizing and aligning the mind, body, and spirit. When we have complete alignment of the conscious and subconscious mind, we awaken to our spiritual identity and then to our divine purpose.
Bergamot Mint Essential Oil is the oil of the Awakened Heart. Bergamot Mint gently awakens the heart, so that it can feel again and feel more acutely. It breaks through the numbness and revives the heart again.
We all can easily allow the struggles of life to make us feel beaten down and defeated. Bergamot Mint can help facilitate you in taking down the heart wall(s) that you may have built during times of hardships or traumas.
Pursue is the oil of Perseverance. Pursue essential oil blend encourages you to persevere and to follow your dreams to fruition. Be decisive about what you want and chase after your dreams and goals. See yourself as someone who is worthy of success, joy, and achievement. Know that you have it in you to accomplish your desired righteous goals.
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Citrus Twist is the oil of Refreshing Sunshine. Sometimes when life gets grey and dull, we all need to take a refreshing, uplifting, bright, sunny, new approach to things.