Balancing hormones is a very important topic. This is one out of five classes I teach every new dōTERRA member.
Before you delve into balancing your hormones, we need to establish some basics. The most important thing is your belief about health. In order to benefit fully from the following information, you need to let go of the notion that your body is broken, it’s a mystery and too complicated to understand. You are smart enough and capable enough to take control of your health. Understanding how your body works and supporting it to function optimally will help you return to great health.
Decide now that you will have great health! Say aloud, “I am smart and capable enough to take control of my health! My body knows how to heal and function optimally.”
What do hormones do? Why are they important?
Hormones: a regulatory substance/chemicals produced in our body and transported in tissue fluids such as blood to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.
Hormones are produced all over the body from different glands but the main gland that controls those other glands is the pituitary gland.
“The pituitary gland is called the ‘master gland’ as the hormones it produces control so many different processes in the body. It senses the body’s needs and sends signals to different organs and glands throughout the body to regulate their function and maintain an appropriate environment. It secretes a variety of hormones into the bloodstream which act as messengers to transmit information from the pituitary gland to distant cells, regulating their activity. For example, the pituitary gland produces prolactin, which acts on the breasts to induce milk production. The pituitary gland also secretes hormones that act on the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries and testes, which in turn produce other hormones. Through production of its hormones, the pituitary gland controls metabolism, growth, sexual maturation, reproduction, blood pressure and many other vital physical functions and processes.” (1)
How can we tell that we have hormone imbalance?
Signs of Hormone Imbalance:
- Irritability
- Weight gain
- Lower libido
- Allergies
- Skin wrinkling
- Anxiety
- Water retention
- Hot flashes
- Headaches
- Bone loss & aches
- Hair loss
- Facial hair
- Depression
- Poor sleep patterns
- Vaginal infections/ dryness
- Breast cell overstimulation
Diseases caused by Hormone Imbalance:
- Pancreas related diseases such as Diabetes
- Reproductive organ diseases such as endometriosis, breast problems, ovaries problems, uterus problems, testes problems
- Thyroid problems related to weight problems
- Adrenal problems
- Sleep problems
What can we do about it?
- Clean Your Cells And Reduce Toxins (Especially Xenoestrogens)
- Feed Your Cells (Nutrition & Supplements)
- Manage Moods & Emotions
- Sleep Well
Clean Your Cells And Reduce Toxins (Especially Xenoestrogens)
Clean the brain cells! Clean the cells so that the brain cells can communicate more effectively. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. When any part of the brain is sluggish, then the brain isn’t operating optimally. If something is interfering with the hypothalamus, then the pituitary gland can’t operate properly. If the pituitary gland isn’t operating properly, it is not sending signals to the rest of the body to produce the necessary hormones for regular bodily functions.
There are many toxins in our food, personal care products, cleaning products, and food. Xenoestrogens are one of the main toxins that are endocrine disruptors. We also have plenty of neurotoxins in our home and environment too. A little bit of research online will help you get started on the right path.
For your information here is a list of place you will find Xenoestrogens.
- Canned food
- Farmed fish (Feed with GMO grains & corn)
- Tap water
- Plastics
- Factory farmed animals (Feed with GMO grains & corn)
- Soy in food
- Pollution
- Perfumes
- Colognes
- Pesticides
- Medications (including birth control pills, HRT, even the casing of capsules are toxic)
- Beauty Products
- Taflon cookware
How do you clean your cells? We clean our cells in three ways.
- Our cells are already cleaning at all times anyways. When you give your cells the right nutritional tools, the body is able to have the right tools to clean the cells with.
- Do the 30-day Cleanse regularly. You know when you’ve cleanse enough when your body is functioning optimally. That means, your brain thinks clearly and you’ve got energy. Your body functions are back to a regular cadence.
- Reduce toxins by educating yourself about toxins in personal care products, cleaning products and food. Once you are educated, you can replace those toxic products with natural alternatives or even home made. There are plenty of essential oil products in dōTERRA that will be a fantastic replacement to the toxic products.
Feed Your Cells (Nutrition & Supplements)
Feed the brain! The brain is made up of mostly fat! That means you need to replenish that fat daily. Have a diet with plenty of omega fats. I take the dōTERRA xEO Mega morning and night. Fat is a necessary ingredient for cell production.
Beside just omega fats, we need vitamins and minerals from food to help cells function optimally. Consider the vitamins and minerals as tools and building materials for your body to function optimally. The dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Supplements provide the world’s highest quality supplements. I have never taken supplements of this caliber. This is something I can’t go without.
Remember these supplements will supplement your already healthy diet. We can’t expect to eat unhealthy and be healthy. It is obvious, but many people don’t make that connection that when they deny the body of essential nutrients, the body breaks down and stops functioning optimally. People think their body is broken and goes to a doctor to get a drug to fix that malfunction. Instead, the solution might be as easy as being responsible for your health and eating well. Many of the health problems we think are health problems are simply signs of nutritional deficiencies.
If there are major health problems because the body has been nutritionally deficient for so long, then add DDR Prime to your daily routine. DDR Prime is an oil blend that will support the cells to function properly by helping the body repair the cells or trigger natural cell-destruction.
In addition to the Lifelong Vitality Supplements, if you are experiencing much of the hormone imbalance symptoms above, consider taking the dōTERRA Women’s Kit. For more information on this kit click here.
Manage Moods & Emotions
Beliefs creates thoughts >> Thoughts creates feelings >> Feelings creates our physical world.
It is important to detect some of our negative self-destructive thoughts and re-write those. We can choose to own our beliefs. Be mindful of how you think by paying attention to patterns and starting with the physical symptoms you are experiencing.
For example: The Uterus problems could be about unresolved feelings towards mother. It could be your own mother or mother earth. It could be negative feelings towards your creative aspect of life. Do you feel like you are unable to fully be yourself and create things you want to create?
Re-write your thoughts by saying something like: I easily create my life. I am bigger than my problems.
You can use Myrrh oil on your ankles. Other oils to consider are Geranium, Rose, Jasmine, Clary Sage, Wild Orange, Tangerine, Citrus Bliss.
Managing moods is taking care of the root cause of the imbalance in your body. Your energy will allow toxins and debris to stay and be destructive when it is feeling helpless and self-destructive.
Sleep Well
If you are not sleeping, you are not repairing your brain and body. Over time, your body will suffer the numerous health issues we mentioned above. Refer to Signs of Hormone Imbalance.
When you sleep, this is what is happening inside:
- Processing information
- Emotional processing
- Developing memories
- Brain regulates growth & repair
- Replacing energy reserves
- Removing waste products
- Rebuilding metabolism
- Producing healthy levels of hormone all over the body
There are several essential oils I like to use to help with sleep:
- Serenity the restful blend oil and Serenity Softgel. Diffuse oil and take softgels internally.
- Balance to quiet mind chatter. Rub on forehead, back of neck, ears and big toes.
- Vetiver oil for grounding. Rub on the bottom of big toes.
- Juniper Berry oil to help you stay asleep throughout the night.
Click here for my sleep handout
Your Takeaway
Balancing your hormones isn’t a mystery or difficult. You can easily help your body balance by keeping your cells clean, feeding your cells essential nutrients, managing your moods and emotions and sleeping well. Before long, you will be back to yourself again.
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