Gratitude in all things
I never thought I would get to a point where I could appreciate allergies. I use to think of it as a nuisance I had to deal with. Now that I live life more intentionally, I appreciate illnesses because they’ve really taught me some sound life lessons and strengthened my faith in a higher divine power and intelligence.
When you get to the dark point where you have reached rock bottom and you can’t get any lower, it’s that point where you simply want to surrender and let whatever happens happen. I reached that point about 10 years ago. I hated being sick and depressed almost every day. The allergies, eczema, aches, and headaches got too much. On the outside I had a mask on for all to see that life was OK. But it wasn’t. Life had no meaning and I wished my children had a better mother. I wished I could be a happier wife. I just wanted to give up and ‘ship out’ but instead I ‘shaped up.’
In the back of my mind, I felt like a loving God~Heavenly Father, wouldn’t want me to suffer for NO reason! Everything is for our learning and growth right? I asked myself, how can I be grateful for THIS opportunity as a way to progress? Then with that right question, I had the RIGHT ANSWERS!
I learned some amazing things as I embarked on my journey of healing. I realized that I was approaching health PASSIVELY. I thought allergies and atopic diseases simply HAPPENED to me by chance. As I healed I really healed on all the levels!!
The physical healing was the easy part -yup!! The emotional and spiritual healing was where the real work was.
Did you know that your body can be allergic to many things?
We can be allergic to things we eat, breathe, contact, drink, electromagnetics, felt (current or past), garbage(toxins such as chemicals in medications, vaccines, personal care products etc.), our own body (body fluids, heavy metals, body parts and organs), or invaders (virus, parasites, bacteria, fungi.)
All of these ‘allergies’ have an emotional roots associated to negative thought(s) and some sort of misaligned spiritual belief. It seems to me that it is our body having an over-reaction to something because we are fearful in someway because we have forgotten that we have the resolving power within.
Did you also know that allergies are closely linked to eczema and asthma? When we help our body resolve one issue, the other gets better too. I’ve read many studies about this. Up to 80% of kids with eczema get hay fever or asthma later in childhood.1 2 3 4
According to the Feelings Buried Alive Never Die book by Karol K. Truman book, here are some possible emotions to resolve. I added eczema because it is often associated with allergies. In fact, asthma is too.
- Suppressed weeping
- Imitation substitute for colds
- Feelings that don’t seem to have an answer to change
- Fear of sharing feelings with people
- Feeling stifled
- Denying own power
- Feeling aggravated by someone or something
- Over-sensitive
- Feeling you are being interfered with or prevented from doing something, thus feeling frustrated
- Unresolved hurt feelings
- Unresolved feelings of irritation
According to the You Can Heal Your Life book by Louise Hay, here are some possible emotions to resolve.
- Who are you allergic to?
- Denying your own power
- Breath-taking antagonism
- Mental eruptions
- Reliving childhood fears
- Need for dependence sometimes unconsciously
- Chronic anxiety & fear
- Feeling dominated or stifled by parents and others
- Being over sensitive
- Suppressed sorrow or crying or grief
- Not satisfied with yourself5
The following is from the Healing Questions Guide by Wendi Jensen. When you ask yourself questions, the subconscious goes to work to activate healing as it finds answers.
- What grief have I not yet fully grieved over? What will it take to grieve in a productive way?
- What will it take for me to access the pool of eternal love from within so I no longer seek it from external sources?
- What will it take for me to open up and see my great worth?
- What will it take for me to know and access the power I have to change things?
- What am I allowing to threaten me? What will it take for me to feel peaceful again?
- What value is there in believing it is not safe to let people in? What can I do to allow myself to be more vulnerable in a healthy way?
- What childhood aggravation or irritant is still wreaking havoc on my mind and body? What will it take to be relieved of this irritant once and for all?
- What is in my environment that I think I need to avoid or resist?
>>I manage my life with courage and wisdom. I am deeply loved. I acknowledge my power and use it to bless the lives of others and myself. I am safe in my present environment –Wendy Jensen
How to resolve it?
Very quickly I learned that in order to heal myself, I needed to learn to do these following things to stop my body from over-reacting and being empowered again:
- Honor my body
- Owning my own power
- Detect who I really am
- Fulfill the purpose of my being
1. Honor YOUR body
My healing journey began with the physical body. I worked on ‘mind over matter and matter over mind’ at the same time. We all need to be in-tuned with our body and give it what it is asking for. Most of us don’t recognize how negative we are. We think we are being ‘realistic’ or ‘sensible’. Our body will tell us the TRUTH! I knew that the stress and negative feelings caused my gut to have an overgrowth of candida fungus. Candida fungus decayed my body from the inside causing a lot of havoc ~ leading to allergies. I started to do the deepest cleanse I could with essential oils to get deep into the cellular levels and remind my DNA to function as it should. And it worked. Here is what I did in a nutshell.
- I did the 30-day cleanse 3-4 times a year and a slightly different version of it in between for the first 2-3 years. The overload of toxins & overgrowth of fungus causes our body to be oversensitive. It is like a full cup that can’t hold anymore junk. Cleaner cells are more tolerant because it has less junk in it to manage. Do the kid’s cleanse for your little ones.
- I educated myself on healthy foods and drinks. We dramatically changed our eating habits as a family. No artificial preservatives, colors, flavor enhancers (MSG) and GMO foods.
- I allowed myself to sleep, relax, rest and stop working at the end of the day even when the chores and other things seems like it still needed to be done. AND that was hard.)
- Topically I used a lot of oils to assist the skin and tissues in repairing. Combine 2-4 drops of each of Cedarwood, Lavender, Yarrow|Pom, Blue Tansy in a 10ml roller bottle and fill up with Fractionated Coconut oil. Apply topically on skin areas of concern. Apply a few drops of DDR Prime blend on the feet twice daily for overall DNA protection and repair. I often used the seasonal blend. Do 2 drops of each of Lavender, Lemon, & Peppermint if you want to take it internally. If you want to take it in a capsule use TriEase. Make the seasonal blend in a roller bottle (below)
- I started healing on an emotional and spiritual level with essential oils. (Being more self aware myself and staying intentional each day! – Now I have the iTOVi scanner which really helps)
2. Owning YOUR own power
As I was cleansing my body, I started cleansing my mind. I chose to change my thoughts. Journalling helps us be more self-aware. Some days, there were lots of tears!! We can cancel old thinking and replace them with new supportive thinking. Did you know that we inherit a lot of our thinking patterns? Our ‘knee jerk’ responses to our world is totally inherited. This is why we look for patterns and become self aware so we can consciously change. The easiest way to change is to read your body’s literal language. Louise Hay and Karol Truman have wonderful reference books to help you get started. After that, it’s easier to read. It is like you have a conscious you and then you have your body which physically manifests the subconscious universe within you. Above, you can see list of things I had to be honest about with the allergies I had. Here are some powerful new thought patterns to adopt as you cancel out the unsupportive thoughts and beliefs.
Affirmation: The world is safe and friendly. I am safe. I am at peace with life. By Louise Hay
How to own our own power?
- Stop blaming and let go of things you really CAN’T control.
- Face emotions and resolve emotions such as grief in a productive way.
- Being unattached to other’s. Choose happiness no matter what anyone else chooses. My love and happiness is unconditional. Study the emotions of these oils: Cedarwood, Lavender, Melaleuca, Yarrow|Pom, Blue Tansy
- Look for things you have control over and making conscious intentional choices
- Only focus on and do the small things within your influence. Stay in the ‘instructional zone’ of life.
3. Detect who YOU really are
During this time, I recognized that I really am a spiritual being having a physical experience. Being more mindful and grateful really drove home that I was a literal child of God! That means I matter to God. Work on self-love and self-acceptance as a divine being filled with potential and light. Diffuse oils such as Balance, Bergamot and Wild Orange to help you be calm & grounded. Pray. Meditate. Write in your journal daily until you detect who you are and what your purpose on Earth is.
- Pray and seek personal divine download, inspirations, guidance & POWER
- Meditate/Ponder for understanding and visualizing positive outcomes (Manifesting and creating intentionally)
- Look for blessings and develop a positive outlook
- Make connections and see the divine perfection of your life story (surrendering to the process)
- Live in gratitude (daily gratitude journals)
Affirmation: I am a powerful child of God with divine potential.
4. Fulfill the purpose of YOUR being
When you understand your purpose you answer only to GOD. Like Mother Teresa or Joan of Ark, we all have a purpose for our existence. We will find fulfillment and passion each day. Our job is to serve humanity with our unique God-given gifts and talents. We don’t have to be the best or perfect now to serve.
Just do your best. That is all that is required. Like a loving parent, God is happy with progression not perfection. As a mother, I love my children as they progress. They don’t need to be the best at anything to win my love. Honor your purpose and start living life to the fullest without fear. You will be guided and directed along the way.
Affirmation: I live life fully with purpose and passion
When I began to honor my body, owned my power, detected who I was and began to fulfill my purpose, I realized that the physical suffering with the allergies put me in a position to change instead of over-reacting with fear. I stopped thinking of my body as ‘broken’ or defective somehow. God is loving and he is kind. He wouldn’t let me suffer for no reason. The reason is an invitation to change (repent).
If you have allergies, give this a go. Now I can eat dairy, eggs and other foods I couldn’t eat before. My body doesn’t ask for bad foods anyways. But I don’t live in fear that if I get a little bit of that food or dust, I will react. My cells are more tolerant and can release toxins more effectively. I am no longer at the mercy of the tiny dust or pollen in the air!! YAY!
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- Is Eczema in Kids Linked to Allergies and Asthma?
- Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis and Allergies: What Is The Connection?
- How eczema might lead to asthma
- Why Eczema Often Leads To Asthma
- Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman
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