In the essential oil world, sooner or later you will bump into someone who asks you about the difference between Young Living and dōTERRA.
Here is a quick explanation for you.
First off, here is one advice I want to give you:
You should judge for yourself what type of company dōTERRA is by looking at its FRUITS!
Don’t just take anyone’s word for it.
Where are the fruits found?
- Try the dōTERRA CPTG essential oils for yourself and PERSONALLY EXPERIENCE their essential oils.
- Observe the dōTERRA Wellness Advocates
- Talk to the employees at corporate about their job and dōTERRA work environment
- Come to a corporate events, mingle with dōTERRA people
The following is a summary of information I got from dōTERRA owners, my own research, and experience. I had several private conversations with Dave Stirling, Dr. David Hill, & Emily Wright, Greg Cook, Corey Lindley and the other dōTERRA owners. I can vouch for their character and integrity. I am honored and proud to be part of this amazing organization. The dōTERRA owners are truly good people who have built dōTERRA up with faith, integrity and honesty. Read about each owner here.
The Story
Dave Stirling, Dr. David Hill, & Emily Wright all worked together in Young Living. Young Living is publicly owned, and because of that, they make ‘profit decisions’ such as compromising the quality/integrity of their oils and changing the compensation plan to name a few things. Dave Stirling did wonders for their business to grow dramatically for several years. Dave Stirling, Dr. David Hill, & Emily Wright did not want to compromise their own personal integrity and their conscience didn’t allow them to continue working there knowing what was happening. They left not knowing what to do next. Eventually, they decided to start their own company. They sourced oils in different places to Young Living and created their own recipes for their blends and products. Ideas after ideas evolved which led to the birth of dōTERRA. One very important inspiration they received was to personally fund dōTERRA and keep it a private company. This protects the purity of the essential oils and dōTERRA’s decision making power. It also, allows them the freedom to fund scientific research and humanitarian projects without answering to any investors.
What is their goal?
- To source PURE, HIGH GRADE, THERAPEUTIC essential oils. Which means there is no compromising the integrity of the oils in any way. It means unprecedented standards and methods of essential oil testing independently and in-house not only for the quality but for therapeutic levels & other benefits. dōTERRA uses cutting-edge technology that no other company has to test their essential oils.
Their goal is to bring essential oils out of obscurity and provide essential oil education to all families of the world. They successfully brought essential oils to the mainstream! Their first few Wellness Advocates ‘distributors’ are people unfamiliar with network marketing. They simply wanted to start a culture of love and caring. Because of the work of dōTERRA scientist and scientific partnerships with many different universities, the world has a huge database of information about the potential of essential oils can do (based on CPTG standards). For all this work and effort they put in, I am so grateful that they are providing valuable oils and still keep the price reasonable.
Education: Here are two sites to help learn more about the quality of the doTERRA essential oils and research related to essential oils:
Scientific Research
Purity Testing Results of your oils
- Direct Sales Business Model gives them the best vehicle to get essential oils into more hands. The owners considered many types of business models for the distribution of essential oils. Dave Stirling said he hated MLM model that he has seen in the past. It has a nasty stigma. But in order to give people the personal customer service & proper education, this was the best way.
Dave Stirling, Dr. David Hill, & Emily Wright decided to do MLM their way and change the face of network marketing. I believe that they have achieved this goal too.
How is doTERRA’s business model different?
- doTERRA has more generous than other companies. As a Diamond in doTERRA I am privileged to be trained by Dave Stirling and others leaders small meetings. Our business model is much more generous than many other companies. In fact, we are equal to none. (click here to learn more about our compensation plan) It is good for you to check out other people’s compensation plans so you can see how good we have it!
- dōTERRA has more support for their consultants. dōTERRA provides teams of managers to take care of the Wellness Advocates at many levels of ranks. There is the Business Advancement Team for Premiers & Silvers. Leadership Rank Account Mangers are provided for each of the Silvers, Gold, Platinum, Diamonds,..etc to support the members and maintain a culture of integrity and honesty.
- dōTERRA provides well for and makes sure their employees LOVE their job and are recognized. Just check out their dōTERRA campus next time you are in Utah, or any other dōTERRA offices around the world. You will see what I for yourself who dōTERRA really is. Click here to watch a video. That feeling you get when you are in their buildings says something about the company.
- They honor and respect the source of the doTERRA oils. dōTERRA sources essential oils where it is grown best for therapeutic purposes! They don’t just grow their own plants on their own farms. They consider native soils, climate and the generations of skills and knowledge of the farmers are factors in the quality and purity. The amount of work they put in to climb mountains of Nepal, and access other remote locations can not be matched! Doctor David Hill says, that no other company is willing to do that much work! This is their passion and labor of love so they do and will continue to do it.
- dōTERRA is responsible to the environment, making sure that it is renewable and sustainable. They teach the farmers to farm responsibly in certain places where other company’s have come in an abused the people and the land. dōTERRA recognizes artisans who have generations of experience with their particular essential oils. The time and method of harvesting are all factors in the quality of dōTERRA’s essential oils.
- dōTERRA takes care of communities of the producer, paying them on time, making sure their children are schooled, making sure they are health (providing medical centers), making sure they have water (providing them with wells) and so much more…Through the dōTERRA’s Healing Hands charity foundation, they’ve changed many places around the world.
- dōTERRA maintains a reasonable competitive price for their essential oils and products. When I hear people complain that they are overpriced, I laugh. They have no idea! Sometimes they just say that out of fear and prejudice associated with the MLM stigma. Some people complain that the doTERRA oils are expensive. Compared to what? Please! My mum and friends had serious life threatening diseases and these products helped their body overcome these concerns. Compared to treatments and hospital bills, this so cheap. The emotional healing that I’ve found just for me is invaluable. We haven’t taken our kids to the doctors or bought medications for them for over 6 years because they’ve been so well! That’s amazing! Before you buy into people’s assumption that the oils are expensive ask yourself, compared to what? Obviously, they have no idea the value of these oils. Pharoahs kept them in their treasury! Only the rich and privileged had access to these oils. Now we all have access to high grade, real essential oils! That’s thanks to dōTERRA!
For the amount of work they put into these oils, I feel that they are reasonable for the valuable they provide. The dōTERRA supplements are very discounted. Try to get something of that calibre else where and see what you are paying in the end!
Like any business they need to make a profit. Everything you buy from any store has a mark up. So why should we expect dōTERRA to have no mark up?? In the world of business, if you are familiar with how business works, you’ll find dōTERRA’s mark up is actually low!
The other thing is, I LOVE the fact that I know where some of the cost goes. I know if I buy Lemon oil, it goes back to those Italian farmers! I know when I buy Vetiver, I am supporting the people in Haiti. I am helping communities around the world! We are ONE big family!
Let’s do Math. Consider Lemon oil $10 bucks. There are 45 organic lemons in it. I buy my lemons at Whole-foods at 4 for $2, so 45 lemons costs me $22.50. So $22 is the cost of the lemons alone. What about the distillation expense? What about the bottling process expense? What about the 4 stages of CPTG testing? Don’t you think that $10 for the lemon oil is quite reasonable?
Find out for yourself
Be confident. Please don’t let people’s fears, scarcity mentality and rumors about dōTERRA cause you to feel fearful, worried, and doubtful. Here is how you can judge for yourself…
- Use the oils. Get your own experience. Compare both if you can. (If you feel you need to.) Pick up doTERRA peppermint and other company’s peppermint! Ours is distilled from the leaf not from the whole plant. The purity of the oils speak for themselves. I promise your experience with dōTERRA oils will speak for itself.
- Read about the success of doTERRA from other sources! The magnitude of successfulness isn’t an accident or by fraud. They have to have something really great to have drawn over 4 million members/customers in 9 years!! It is the largest essential oil company. It has historical business growth equals to that of Apple! WHY? Please read article below.
- Be objective as much as possible. We do not need to bash anyone’s company or name. I try to not get into discussions (arguments) about both companies (or other companies for that matter). Sometimes people’s feelings get in the way of logic and reasoning. When they have decided against something, they will see and hear only what they want to see and hear.
- If you really want to know, talk to someone who have been on BOTH sides. I have a few dōTERRA Diamond leader friends who use to be in Young Living. They have told me the difference between the purity of the oils, company compensation, owners, leaderships etc.
- At the end of the day, focus on what matters most. Ask…How can I help people with the essential oils? How can I change the human experience? What can I bring to the table? Don’t join in and add to the fuel of debate and competition. Unity is what we need to focus on in this world. There is enough abundance for everyone. It doesn’t help anyone to divide and debate.
- Please attend dōTERRA conventions, corporate events and retreats so you can meet the owners and observe how the company really is. Find out for yourself. When you are at any of these events, ask yourself, have they achieved their goal of bringing the oils out of obscurity? Have they provided the essential oil education that is needed? Have they taken care of the growers, the advocates and their employees?
Well I hope this helps you. You see if anyone wants to compete with dōTERRA, all they have to do is do the same things dōTERRA is doing. Source pure excellent essential oils, love their workers, love their consultants, love their growers and be responsible to God!
Happy oiling!
Read Forbes Article here:
dōTERRA Reinvents Supply Chain For Impact On Poverty
An Explanation from Ben
doTERRA and Young Living
Let me take a moment to give you a brief history of doTERRA and Young Living. I’ve been wanting to do this as a business training topic for a while now. I’ll tell it from doTERRA’s point of view, so it will be a bit biased.
Dr. David Hill (Chief Medical Officer), Emily Wright (VP and Essential Oil Expert), and Dave Stirling (CEO- Management) all worked together for Young Living.
Young Living is owned by Gary and Mary Young. (You can read more here): Gary a very eccentric man, who has done some very controversial things, which I don’t really care about nor wish to even talk about. The Young’s have been through many many CEO’s for whatever reason (again, I’m not going to go into it). Dave Stirling was one of their CEOs.
Dave Stirling, Dr. Hill and Emily Wright all left Young Living about the same time. They didn’t like the business practices of Young Living and were committed to maximizing the therapeutic value of essential oils. Dr. Hill and Emily got together after leaving Young Living and had the idea to start an essential oil company based on “sourcing” the most therapeutic essential oil from the world. They met with Dave Stirling and began what today was doTERRA.
There is more to the story including how Young Living sued doTERRA for breaching non-compete agreements (which doTERRA was finally vindicated in court: Here is doTERRA’s press release:
The specifics of the story are very revealing of the character and integrity of doTERRA’s executive team. I’m sorry if my brief history doesn’t do it justice here. What you DO NEED TO UNDERSTAND ABSOLUTELY is the different philosophies of doTERRA and Young Living. This philosophy goes to the very heart of how the two companies go about producing essential oils.
—Seed to Seal—
(Young Living’s philosophies)
Young Living owns many farms in Utah and Idaho where they grow essential oil plants. Their philosophy is that they can ensure purity through managing the entire process from the time the plant is planted until the bottle of essential oil is shipped. Their value proposition and market differentiation point is the purity that comes from managing the entire process.
doTERRA’s take on that philosophy: While they may be able to watch the plants carefully and make sure no contaminants enter the supply chain, they are growing the plant in the wrong climate, soil, weather, and geographic location. Young Living is basically a farming company. They claim purity, but the therapeutic value (from sourcing) is largely neglected. THEY ARE ONLY HALFWAY THERE (if their essential oils are as pure as they say they are).
—Sourcing for Therapeutic Value—
(doTERRA’s philosophy, and the ONLY Essential Oil company in the world doing business like this)
doTERRA’s value proposition and point of market differentiation is CPTG. Certified Pure means through rigorous testing and strong relationships with the growers, doTERRA makes sure their oils are free of contaminants, fillers, additive, substitutes, and pollutants. They ensure that only plant-produced compounds from the right plants grown under the right condition are in the end product. BUT THAT’S ONLY HALF THE BATTLE. “Therapeutic” means they are SOURCED with the intention of getting the oils from the spot on the planet that grows the most therapeutic essential oil. This means painstakingly going into many many different parts of the globe to make sure that your essential oil isn’t just pure, it works.
You can grow Lavender in Utah (Yes. I have visited Young Living’s Lavender farms in Utah while on vacation), but Lavender grown in France and Bulgaria and harvested under the right conditions is much more therapeutic. doTERRA ensures this through testing the ratio of therapeutic compounds and statistical analysis. This SOURCING element is what is missing in every other essential oil company. That’s the CPTG difference.
This is what made Dr. Hill, Emily, Dave, and many others join the doTERRA cause. Because the CPTG oils work, and they work better. The statistics show it, too – 68% customer retention compared to 15%.
And that’s the story. I admit it may be biased.
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Hi. I’m Jade, a passionate holistic health educator who loves helping people learn about essential oils and natural solutions. I also help people heal and grow themselves and their business through energy balancing with faith.
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