Clear Your Financial Blocks
Inspired by
Please be open and honest with yourself as you go through this activity. The more you allow yourself to be vulnerable, the faster you clear these blocks. Blocks are cleared as soon as you identify them and decide to not own them any more.
1. What is money?
Write down what money is for you.
What are some of the emotions you’ve associated with money? Security, freedom, pain, stuck, etc…
Money is a magnifier. It is a neutral means/medium of energy exchange. When we detach negative emotions to money and see it for what it really is then we can attract me. Appreciate it as a tool to magnify who you are. Attach security and freedom to God who is the source of your money and then you’ll attract more abundance.
2. What are our beliefs about money?
I. What did your parents model about money/business/finance?
II. What words & phrases did you hear about money/business/finance?
III. What did you experience as a child relating to about money/business/finance?
3. How do you feel about people who have a lot of money?
Bless rich people.
Your subconscious won’t let you be rich if you continue to judge and think poorly about rich people.
4. What is your teachability index? (Rate yourself 1-10)?
There are many books to read about money. Here are some suggestions;
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Ekar
Collaborating with Universal Laws
1. The Law of the Blueprint
We can consciously choose how to manage money for positive uses. My financial blueprint is to use money for:
2. The Law of the Thermostat
Consciously choose how much money you are comfortable earning (deserving) then your earning power will match that level. My financial thermostat is set to $_________________________/month
3. The Law of Leverage
We do not have to feel alone and burdened. The universe wants to help us but we have to allow it to help. Think of ways to leverage in your business. Allow yourself to have a happier life. Resolve blocks and internal thinking ‘both’ not ‘either or.’
The Law of Leverage:
–working synergistically, interdependently as a team
–It’s the ability to work smarter not harder
–To infinitely get more done
–To replace yourself as much as possible
–Deliver more value to more people
–Make more money with less time and energy
–You don’t have to know everything and do everything and be able to get it all done too.
–Think BOTH not either or
I use leverage in my dōTERRA business by:
Ideas to leverage in your dōterra business:
>empowering leaders
>emails, automated systems, and technology
>Use pre-recorded videos
>Use the essential oil reference books
>Use materials from successful people
- Decide and be specific on what you want and need
- Ask yourself how you can get that easier with the help of the universe
4. The Law of Intention without Attachment
Your job is the WHAT. God’s job is the HOW. Be clear on what you want and hold onto big dreams. Create that picture in your head but detach yourself from HOW it will come. This means, you surrender to the Universe and feel happy no matter what.
My intention is …… and I am unattached to HOW that appears.
5. The Law of Perception
Consciously choose to look for evidence that support your beliefs. What you are seeing are reflections of your subconscious beliefs.
To support my new beliefs, I will ONLY look for and record evidence of:
6. The Law of the Harvest
Plant seeds then consistently develop and nourish that plant with hope. Sow positive loving seeds of integrity. Have faith that your efforts will pay off. Do not complain prematurely. If you are stuck at a certain rank it is because you need to work on your next belief.
- When you are new to dōTERRA your belief levels are just to get your products paid for. Your beliefs in the products and how well it works will get you to
- When you start to believe in the company and the opportunity then you’ll be able to move to Premier.
- As you develop the belief in yourself and remove limiting beliefs, you will be able to reach Silvers are new leaders who are starting to feel good about their abilities to lead.
- In order to reach and maintain Gold & Platinum rank, you will need to develop a belief in your builders. Trust that they know how to lead and allow them to shine.
- As a Diamond you are clear on your why!
- As a Blue & Presidential Diamond you can believe in your influence.
I resolve to work consistently and focus on nourishing faith that good things will come from my good works!
I am working on the belief …
7. The Law of Authenticity
Detect who you are. Love and accept yourself. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Honor your gifts and talents by using it to bless others. You will attract love and acceptance when you honor the Law of Authenticity.
I am human like everyone else. I love and accept myself. I am grateful for all the lessons in my life. (Bergamot, Cassia, Marjoram, Cinnamon)
I love and accept myself fully and unconditionally.
I give permission for others to love and accept me fully and unconditionally.
It is safe and ok for me to be me.
8. The Law of Stewardship
Trust yourself that you will be a great steward of all the blessings you are given. Consecrate your home, talents, money, time, gifts and your all for good purposes. You will be given more to be steward over when you’ve done well with what you’ve been given.
List out your gifts and talents you have…
9. The Law of Gratitude in Advance
You are a beloved child of God. You can ask for anything that is good for you.
“I am grateful for all the unseen opportunities, blessings, miracles and abundance on their way to me and my family now.”
I am grateful in advance for:__________
“I produce more value than I consume. I reject complacency, mediocrity, conformity, and dependency. I am not held captive by fear. I am fueled by vision and passion, governed by principles, guided by ideals. I do not succeed through luck, but through conscious effort. I am not entitled to the fruit of another man’s labor. My results are my responsibility. I am not a victim of circumstance. I am a victor by choice. I live by design, not by default. I seek not the stale comfort of a safe harbor, but the thrill of the open sea. While others complain about problems, I create solutions and opportunities. I see abundance where others see scarcity. I am relentlessly innovative. I do not wait for someday happiness; I choose happiness now. I am not afraid to act and fail; failure is simply accelerated learning. I trust my inner voice over popular opinion. While others gnaw on the bones of security, I feast on the meat of freedom. While others criticize from couches and demonstrate in streets, I toil in trenches. While others are blaming, I am busy building. I am a Producer.”
Written by Garrett B. Gunderson and Stephen Palmer. Get this as a poster here.
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Hi. I’m Jade, a passionate holistic health educator who loves helping people learn about essential oils and natural solutions. I also help people heal and grow themselves and their business through energy balancing with faith.
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