When you need confidence and guidance…
When you need confidence and guidance… Feeling confused and...
Jade Balden - love, light, and healing
When you need confidence and guidance… Feeling confused and...
Galbanum is the Oil of the Enhanced Life. Galbanum is part of the carrot family and is related to caraway and fennel. This plant is a tall, bushy perennial herb with small flowers, shiny leaves, and smooth stems. Galbanum essential oil is distilled from resin gum from scored from the stem. dōTERRA Galbanum essential oil is sourced from Turkey and distilled in Oman. Ancient Egyptians imported mass quantities of galbanum from Persia to use in religious ceremonies, embalming, and traditional medicine practices.
When you need to make the right decisions… Are...
Hyssop is the oil of the Cleansed Soul. It is part of the mint family. It is a small shrub with dark green leaves and purple flowers. The Latin word hyssopus is likely related to the Hebrew azob meaning “holy herb.” Hyssop is resistant to drought, and tolerant of chalky, sandy soils. It thrives in full sun and warm climates.
When you want to be truly beautiful… When there...
Common Myrtle is the Oil of Everlasting Love. The myrtle plant is a bushy evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves, fragrant white flowers, and purple-black berries. The star-like flower has five petals and sepals, and numerous stamens.
When you need the right answers… When there are...
Cistus is the oil of Oil of Royal Responsibilities. Also known as Rockrose, Labdanum or Rose of Sharon. Distilled from the resin. It is called rockrose because it is found in dry or rocky soils. The leaves are coated with a highly aromatic resin called Labdanum. Cistus essential oil comes from the sticky, resinous leaves and branches. High in α-pinene like Frankincense.
Kathleen Pierce – Destin, Florida
Stephanie Fritz – Sierra Vista, Arizona
When it feels like your problems will never end…...
Cleansing with essential oils and herbs are so much more efficient than just cleansing with good food alone.
Zendocrine is the Detoxification Blend! When we start detoxing in one area, are detoxifying on other areas of our lives too.
Cleanse the filtering organs in the body with dōTERRA Zendocrine oil. It is a blend of Juniper Berry, Cilantro, Rosemary, Geranium and Tangerine essential oils.
Many people have a desire to start cleaning out their home and decluttering life when they start to detox. On another level some may want to clean out toxic relationships in their life. Move away from parasitic people in your life and towards supportive people. Allow yourself to move forward freely.
Why do we freeze up when we really should be moving along and getting things done? Why do some of us have perfection paralysis?
Learn more about the 30-days Cleanse & Restore Challenge. Click...
Listen To This Podcast Episode: https://jadebalden.com/wp-content/uploads/When-you-need-to-resolve-conflicts....mp3 This...
Listen To This Podcast Episode: https://jadebalden.com/wp-content/uploads/Degrees-of-Passiveness-Proactiveness.mp3 This episode talks...
Arise® is the oil of Enlightenment. This is a blend of Grapefruit, Lemon, Osmanthus, Melissa, and Siberian Fir.
Use Arise® to help you feel uplifted, enlightened, and more intuitive. Smell and apply on the tummy and the bottom of the feet. This oil helps you rise up to your potential. As a child of God, you have great potential.
White grapefruit is the least sweet of the grapefruits and is the lightest color of all the grapefruits. Grapefruit is the oil of The Pure Body. Grapefruit has 90%+ Limonene. Limonene is cancer cell inhibiting. The energy of cancer is dark and self-destructive. The energy of grapefruit is the opposite. It is light, bright, and constructive.
Hi. I’m Jade, a passionate holistic health educator who loves helping people learn about essential oils and natural solutions. I also help people heal and grow themselves and their business through energy balancing with faith.
Come Join me at one of my events…
Enrollment Open! Learn how to use the dōTERRA products and essential oils for your everyday needs. Be confident taking care of yourself and your family’s health and wellness.
I am so happy to announce the availability of my books – some coming soon and some available now.
This is my refugee story. I tell my story of growing up during a time of conflict in war-torn Vietnam, and escaping at a very young age as a refugee. How my family escaped by boat and narrowly escaped death and made new lives for ourselves in a new country. Available anywhere good books are sold.
*Free samples are available to anyone who has never tried doTERRA essential oils. (Limited to US and Canada)
© 2025 · Jade Balden. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Have fun. I can't believe you have actually read all this small print. 2017 All Rights Reserved.